United States
Sulphitation Tank Attendant
Sulphitation Tank Mate
Minimum Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering/ITI
Not required
The tasks a Sulphitation Man, Sugar is expected to perform include:
Tending to the sulphitation tank for passing sulphur dioxide into the filtered juice to further clarify and bleach it before further processing
Operating the valve to let in the juice after filtration into the sulphitation tank up to the prescribed level
Testing the specific gravity, if required, with a hydrometer
Manipulating the valves to admit the required quantity of milk of lime and sulphur dioxide into the tank
Mixing the solution with the juice
Testing the samples of mixed juice frequently with indicator (BTB) paper
Conducting the second sulphitation, in a similar manner,
Pumping out the sulphurated juice or syrup into the storage tank or clarifier through a juice heater
Conducting periodical cleaning and checking of tank equipment and the pipe line
Skilled in sulphitating the juice
Skilled in operating the evaporators
Equipped in assessing the quality of the final product
Skilled in using BTB paper and other testing tools and techniques
Knowledge of all the filtering techniques
Basic knowledge of juice bleaching methods
Basic repairing and overhauling skills
Not applicable
Time-management skills
Attention to detail
Team player
It is not a desk job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Companies usually work for 6/7 days a week and 9/10 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is not considered hazardous/dangerous according to The Factories Act, 1948
For freshers - INR 6,000 to INR 7,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
The Food Industry in India
According to IBEF, the Indian food industry is poised for huge growth, increasing its contribution to the world food trade every year. Accounting for about 32 per cent of the country?s total food market, the food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth. The Indian food and grocery market is the world?s sixth largest, with retail contributing 70 per cent of the sales. It is projected to grow at the rate of 104 per cent, touching US$ 482 billion by 2020. The Indian gourmet food market is currently valued at US$ 1.3 billion and is growing at a CAGR of 20 per cent. It is expected to cross US$ 2.8 billion by 2015.
India is the largest consumer of sugar in the world and consumes around 16 million tonnes of sugar per annum. The Indian sugar industry has a total turnover of INR 500 billion per annum and contributes almost INR 22.5 billion to the central and state exchequer as tax, cess, and excise duty every year according to the sources of Ministry of Food and Government of India. These statistics show that the employment in India for Sulphitation Man, Sugar will increase in the future as the sugar industry will grow.
Sugar mills
Sugar manufacturing companies
Juice manufacturing companies
Cities and towns across India
Will be updated
Government universities/colleges
Private universities/colleges
Will be updated