United States
Quality Control Inspector, Test Analyst, Functionality Testing, Product Inspector - RAC
Minimum Preferably 10th standard pass (with Science)Certified training for Functional Tester - RAC (programme aligned to ELE/Q3601 released by Electronics Sector Skills Council of India)
Not applicable
The tasks a Functional Tester - RAC is expected to perform include:
Inspecting and testing the functions of the product
Reverting defective products to the in-line repair team
Completing documentation procedures
Taking prescribed safety precautions
Achieving productivity standards
Knowledge of general principles of wiring and assembly
Well-versed with testing methods and instruments
Adept with types of tests used to verify the functioning of the unit
Proficient in analysing and evaluating the results of the tests
Adept with choice of appropriate test measurement equipment and devices, their calibration and set up
Knowledge of circuit and the functioning of different modules of the product
Well-versed with basic principles of refrigeration, sealed systems, methods of refrigeration
Adept with types of compressors such as reciprocating, rotary, centrifugal, scroll and their functioning
Knowledge of safety norms in handling hydrocarbon gases, nitrogen
Well-versed with the fundamentals of electricity such as ohms law, difference between ac and dc, series and parallel connections
Adept with basic electronics: components such as diode, transformer, LED, photo transistor, capacitor, resistor, inductor, thermistor, ICs
Proficient in reading values of resistors, capacitors, diodes and integrated circuits with specific reference to colour coding, polarity, orientation, tolerance
Well-versed with safety precautions that need to be taken while working in an electronic assembly unit
Knowledge of personal protective equipment/gear such as goggles, gloves, rubber base shoes etc. to be worn while carrying out wiring activities
Adept with frequently occurring errors in the assembly process and their causes
Not applicable
Ability to work in a noisy environment
Ability to work in standing position for long hours
Interpersonal skills
Reflective thinking
Critical thinking
It needs one to be on their toes
Work from home option is not available
Part-time work and contractual jobs are not available
Travelling is not part of the job
Need not handle a team
Working hours
Working hours are 9/10 hours everyday for 5/6 days a week. This may vary from company to company
Shift system is not applicable
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?Maybe
This job is considered mildly hazardous or dangerous
Health risks include exposure to hazardous material, cut wires, sharp tools, risk of fire, extreme noise, work place accidents, etc.Occupational hazards include leg pain, minor electric shocks, burns, neck pain, fatigue, strain on eyes, etc.
For freshers - INR 10,000 to INR 12,000 per month For candidates with 1-2 years of experience or more - INR 12,000 to INR 20,000 per month(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Overview of Electronics Sector in India
The electronic industry in India has grown from the production of 328 billion to 947 billion in the year 2009 at a CAGR of 16.4%. The high growth rate has been supported by healthy Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow. FDI in Electrical Equipment (which includes Electronics) has varied from 17% to 22% of total inflow. According to the NSDC report, it is estimated that the demand for electronics (consumption) in India will be US $ 363 billion in 2015. Out of the Electronics & IT Hardware Industry, Consumer Electronics sector holds the highest percentage which is around 24% of human resource direct employment.
It is also estimated that the Electronics and IT Hardware industry has the potential to grow at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of about 17% till 2022 and even thereafter considering the fact that the GDP is expected to grow at a rate of 7.5% to 8% over this period. Therefore, it is expected that the production of Electronics and IT Hardware will increase from 844 billion in 2008 to 7,520 billion by 2022. The size of Consumer Electronics industry has the potential to grow at a CAGR of 14% till 2022.
TheElectronicssectoremployedabout0.9millionintheyear2008whichisestimatedtoincreasetoover4millionby2022.Thiswouldtranslatetoanincrementalhumanresourcerequirementofabout3.2million.IthasbeengrowingrapidlyoverthelastcoupleofyearsandisexpectedtoreachUS$400billionby2020. This would definitely create an increase in the employment opportunities of Functional Tester - RAC across towns and cities in India.
Consumer Electronics manufacturing companies across India
Consumer Electronics repair centres across India
Towns and cities across India
Will be updated
All Industrial Training Institutes across India
All Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate centers across Indiahttp://www.stqc.gov.in/