United States
Gear Cutter
Hobbing Machine Operator
Minimum ? ITI Diploma
Not required
The tasks a Gear Cutter is expected to perform include:Cutting gear-teeth on metal blanks on a gear cutting machine
Examining drawings and other specifications of the gear to be cut
Calculating suitable gear trains Mounting blank in position Setting appropriate cutter or tool on the machine
Adjusting guides and controlling movement of tools
Selecting rotation speed of metal blank and starting the machine
Turning hand wheels or engaging automatic controls of the machine
Checking cut teeth for size, depth and shape using measuring instruments and gauges for accuracy
Cleaning and oiling the machine
Ability to read and interpret drawings of the products
Efficient in oiling and cleaning the machine
Knowledge of marking and measuring the dimensions of the products
Equipped to work on gear cutting machines
Skilled in working with gauges and other measuring tools
Competent in machine and tool maintenance
Proficient in checking the final product for conformation to the specifications
Not required
Physically fit
Manual dexterity
It is not a desk job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are not available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Companies usually work for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?No
This job is not considered hazardous or dangerous as per The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)
For freshers - INR 7,500 to INR 16,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Overview of Manufacturing Sector in India
According to a report by McKinsey and Company, India?s manufacturing sector could touch US$ 1 trillion by 2025. There is potential for the sector to account for 25-30 per cent of the country?s GDP and create up to 90 million domestic jobs by 2025.
The Government of India has taken several initiatives to promote a healthy environment for the growth of manufacturing sector in the country.
The government has an ambitious plan to locally manufacture as many as 181 products India currently imports at a cost of at least US$ 18.1 billion. The government is expected to come up with a separate set of labour laws governing the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector which forms the backbone of the manufacturing sector. Once implemented, the new labour laws will provide the ease to do business in India and will also help effectively manage labour unrest and industrial strife and lead to new entrepreneurs entering the manufacturing sector.
Road Ahead
The manufacturing sector in India is an attractive hub for foreign investments. As the manufacturing sector grows, so will thejobopportunities for Gear Cutterand other professionals.
Manufacturing units across sectors
Cities and towns across India