
Grain Beater

Grain Crusher

Minimum No entry barrier

Not required

The tasks a Pounder, Hand (Food Grain) is expected to perform include:

Pounding grains or spices in an iron, wood or stone mortar with a pestle to remove the bran from the grain

Crushing the grains into smaller pieces or powder

Selecting the mortar and pestle according to the type of food-grain or spices to be pounded

Putting the requisite quantity of grain or spices in the mortar and pounding it with a pestle

Pounding the product till it is crushed to the desired fineness

Examining the product periodically by sight and touch

Sifting the product using a sieve and re-crushing coarse residue to the required fineness

Cleaning the equipment by hand

Weighing or measuring the specified quantities of the various ground spices

Knowledge of safety and hygiene regulations

Knowledge of the pressure required to crush the food grains

Knowledge of the different types of mortars and pestles

Familiar with the different types of food grains and spices

Ability to keep the mortar and pestle clean and in proper condition

Skilled in examining the crushed product

Physically strong

Not applicable





It is not a desk job

Need not handle a team

Local travelling is not a part of this job role

Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available

Work from home option is not available

Working hours
Companies usually work for 6/7 days a week and 8/10 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company

Shift system maybe available

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is suitable for candidates with One Leg (OL), Both Legs (BL) and those who are Hearing Impaired (HH)

The job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous as per The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)

Will be updated

(These figures are indicative and subject to change)

The Food Industry Sector in India

According to IBEF, the Indian food industry is poised for huge growth, increasing its contribution to the world food trade every year. In India, the food sector has emerged as a high-profit sector. The role of the Indian government has been instrumental in the growth and development of the industry. The Indian food and grocery market is the world?s sixth largest, with retail contributing 70 per cent of the sales. It is projected to grow at a rate of 104 per cent, touching US$ 482 billion by 2020.

India has seen progress in its agricultural output as it has quadrupled its food grain production since independence in the last three decades. Recent estimates reveal that the demand for food grains alone is rising by 200 to 250 million tons in countries with growing population like India. The food processing industry in India has a very potent market for consumer food. This shows that in the coming decades a boom can be expected in the sector with immense demand for trained professionals. Therefore, the career of a Pounder, Hand (Food Grain) has a bright future and opportunities are only going to rise in the coming years.

Food processing companies

Cottage industry for spices

Cities and towns across India