

Machine Operator Assistant Assistant Operator

Finishing Helper

Machine Operator Helper

Production Helper

Minimum ?Class V

Certified training for Helper - Parts Making (Leather Goods & Garments) (programme aligned to LSS/Q6102 released by Leather Sector Skill Council)

Not applicable

The tasks a Helper - Parts Making (Leather Goods & Garments) is expected to perform include: Providing assistance to machine operators

Co-ordinating with team members

Providing assistance in material cutting, stitching, skiving, pasting, etc.

Well-versed with lifting and handling procedures

Equipped with different types of machine guards for equipment

Proficient in regularly cleaning and maintaining the machines

Proficient in following manufacturer?s instructions

Knowledge of good and garments machines

Basic knowledge of material cutting, stitching, etc.

Will be updated

Quick learner


Knack for crafting intricate products

Time management skills

Quality conscious

Keen learner

It is not a desk job

Need not handle a team

Local travelling is not a part of this job role

Part-time work and contractual jobs are available

Work from home option is not available

Working hours

Companies usually work for 5/6 days a week and 8 hours every day. This may vary from company to company.Shift system maybe available

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?No

This job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous under The Factories Act 1948 (section 87)

Health risks include exposure to flammable objects, chemicals, toxins, etc.

Occupational hazards include physical injury, fatigue, body ache, etc.

For freshers - INR 10,000 to INR 12,000 per month

For candidates with experience - INR12,000 to INR 15,000 per month

(These figures are indicative and subject to change)

Growth Estimates of Leather Industry in India

Indian leather industry has an annual turnover of approximately US$ 5,000,000. The exports of leather and leather products has gained momentum during the past two decades. There has been a phenomenal growth in exports from 320 million in the year 1965-66 to 69,558 million in 1996-97. Indian leather industry today has attained well merited recognition in international markets besides occupying a prominent place among the top seven foreign exchange earners of the country.

Latest Trends in Leather Sector in India

In 2009-10 with an annual turnover of over US$ 7 billion, the export of leather and leather products increased manifold over the past decades and touched US$ 3.40, recording a cumulative annual growth rate of about 5.43% (5 years). Though India is the second largest producer of footwear and leather garments in the world, India accounts for a share of close to 3% in the global leather import trade of US$ 137 billion (2008). The leather industry has been set with a target to enhance export from the current level of US $ 3.40 billion (2009-10) to US $ 8.50 billion by the year 2016-17. The domestic market for leather products is also poised for manifold growth owing to emergence of affluent class of population and demand for consumer products. As the industry grows, so will job opportunities for professionals such as Helper Parts Making (Leather Goods & Garments).

Leather exporting companies

Cities across India

Will be updated

Central Footwear Training Institute, Agra

Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai


Net Services India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru

Central Institute of Vocational Education, Bhopal

IL&FS Skills Development Corporation Ltd., Assam