United States
Travelling Ticket Checker, Railway
Minimum 12th pass
Will be updated
The tasks a Travelling Ticket Examiner, Railway expected to perform include:
Checking and examining tickets of passengers in running trains
Collecting duty chart from supervisor in charge and working according to programme
Reporting for duty at scheduled time in prescribed uniform displaying identification badge
Proficient in checking and signing tickets of passengers from compartment to compartment, keeping eye on excess luggage, contraband and unauthorized goods carried, if any
and collecting ticket fares or luggage charges with or without penalty as per rules
Adept at depositing money collected at stations of his beat as prescribed
Well-versed in handing over passengers who refuse to pay railway dues, to Station Master or Ticket Collector for prosecution, etc.
Knowledge of checking and confiscating badly dated or undated tickets and preparing their statement
Proficient in maintaining daily trip report showing details of trains and carriages checked, passengers charged irregularities noticed and names of stations where cash is
Adept at extending help and protection to passengers when sought
Knowledge of carrying light weighing apparatus through Scale Porter to weight luggage in the running train
Ability to travell in sleeper class and looking after reservation of berths and seats
Knowledge of attending to public enquiries
Good physical health
Good mental health
Flexible for spending long days away from home
Team worker
It needs one to be on their toes
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available in some cities
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Working hours are 10/12 hours everyday for 5/6 days a week
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is suitable for candidates with One Leg (OL), One Arm (OA), Muscular Weaknesses (MW) and those who have Hearing Impaired (HH)
The job is considered mildly hazardous or dangerous
Occupational hazards may include stress-related illness, back pain, etc.
For freshers - INR 5,200 to INR 10,200 per month
For candidates with 3-6 years of experience - INR 10,200 to INR 20,200 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Overview of Indian Railways in India
Indian Railway is one of the largest world?s railway networks which is appreciated and accepted by the rest world. The tracks of the Indian Railways are spreading over 115000 km in the route of 65000 km and 7500 stations. Indian Railways is Indian state owned network which is operated and control by the Ministry of Railway, Government of India. Indian Railways is divided into 4 zones Northern Railways, Eastern Railways, Southern Railways and Western Railways. Indian Railways has around 1.3 million of employees dedicated to sharpen the quality and workings of Indian Railways. And Indian Railways keep recruiting more employees throughout the year.
Railways Jobs are the one of the highly preferred and searchable jobs by the desirable candidates and also having a huge scope in India. Well, Indian Railway are never ending network in India that means there may be a chances of Advancement and Development but there will be 0% chances of the termination of Indian Railways. So having Jobs in Indian Railways is the great thing to be secure in the whole life and to earn higher income.
From the Low Level to the Top Level, Indian Railways issued the vacancies to join the Indian Railways each year. The regions are divided into four and each region released their recruitment notification. Every Year around Lakhs number of vacancies is released by the Indian Railways of the every region in which large number of people applied for and some of them deserving and suitable candidates get the job in the Railways.
Indian Railways
Towns and cities across India