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Workforce analytics (also called people analytics or HR analytics) is an upcoming approach which brings an engineering rigor to HR for improving individual and...

Choosing ones career is one of the most important decisions individuals make. The decision has significant implications on one’s lifestyle, economic and social status,...

Given the importance, Career and Education related Decision Making or vocational guidance has been a subject of research for more than a century and has since...

We next look at Career Theories that have a potential to to provide a framework for the internationalization of career decision making. Leung (2008) identifies these...

Gati (1986) defines vocational choices as a particular case of decision making under uncertainty with the aim to reach an optimal choice among alternatives (a multi...

Psychometric tests have been in use for several decades for facilitating career decisions for individuals, undecided with their career choices. Traditionally these tests...

Few of the improvements to the issues highlighted in the previous post which the Tucareers framework addresses are
It considers multiple traits in matching...

The Occupational Information Network or O*NET program is USA’s primary source of occupational information. The O*NET system uses a common language and terminology to...

Career Planning
Research in career decision making suggests use of phased models for a structured way for career planning. Six basic tasks are generally identified...

In this post we further detail the features which Tucareers provides which can facilitate career exploration and decision making.
Career assessments for school,...

As discussed in previous posts the worker characteristics domain in the O*NET content model defines abilities, work styles, work values and interests as attributes...

Interests Indicate preferences for work environments. We use the O*NET taxonomy that uses the six interest category of Holland (1997) model of personality types and work...

Personality assessments or personality tests are techniques to consistently and accurately measure the personality of individuals (or groups of individuals)....

Work Styles are personality characteristics of an individual that can affect how well someone performs a job and is one of the latest and exciting areas in the vast and...

Abilities are enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance. Our assessments use elements from the O*NET taxonomy that has comprehensively described...

Knowledge are organized set of principles and are gained through education and experience. Our assessments refer to O*NET taxonomy (Costanza et. al., 1999) of...

Work values taxonomy used by us is based on the Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA) developed at the University of Minnesota (Dawis 2005) and as included in O*NET. This...

Skills are established procedures that lay the foundation to work with knowledge and is learned through experience and training. The Skills taxonomy we use is...

Work Context determines the social psychological and physical conditions under which work is performed. The Work Context area is divided into interpersonal relationships...

Besides the Career Assessment products as described in the previous blogs , Tucareers also hosts other assessments useful for counselors. The career toolbox ...

There are several benefits of an occupational classification system. The order imposed by a classification system allows working more efficiently with a large set of...

Let’s face it…..in the history of bad years, 2020 is perhaps up there with the worst of them. It’s affected the entire world and has left thousands and thousands jobless...

What is a career guidance platform ?
A career guidance platform provides a career decision model, psychometric career tests and other tools and utilities that can...