United States
Cleansing Attendant
Scrub and Shower Attendant Spa Attendant
Shower Attendant
Minimum ? 12th
Minimum 2 years of experience in an organization
The tasks a Bath Attendant is expected to perform include:Attending to clients taking bath and administering elementary massage to improve their sense of well being
Preparing water or steam bath and attending clients during bathing
Rubbing body of client with soap and sponge to clean pores of skin and giving client a shower or pours water to wash off soap from body
Helping clients in drying their body with towel
Knowledge of preparing a steam bath
Proficient in rubbing soap on clients to clean pores of skin
Adept with process of giving shower to a client
Knowledge of helping clients in drying body with towel and in dressing after bath
Not applicable
Detail oriented
Excellent communication skills
Customer service-oriented
Ability to multi-task and prioritize effectively
It needs one to be on their toes
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Salons and Spas usually work for 5/6 days a week for 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from salon to salon
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?Maybe
This job is not considered hazardous or dangerous under The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)Occupational hazards include burns from hot water, skin infection, fatigue etc.
For freshers - INR8,000 to INR10,000 per month
For candidates with 2-4 years of experience or more - INR15,000 to INR20,000 per month
(These figure are indicative and subject to change)
Overview of Beauty and Wellness Sector in IndiaTheglobalbeautyandwellnessindustryisgrowingataCAGRof15percentannuallyoverthelastfiveyears.ThetopfivegrowthbeautyandwellnessmarketsareChina,Brazil,theUS,IndiaandIndonesia.Thereisashifttowardstheemergingmarketsandthisislikelytocontinuewithover50percentofthetotalbeautysalesby2018expectedfromdevelopingcountries.Theriseinworld?sleadinghealthproblems(obesity,hypertensionandcardiovasculardiseases)contributetothedemandforwellness-relatedproductsandservices.Therefore,thesectorthrivesontheincreasingsectionofpopulationthatisnowconsideringbeautyandwellnessasanecessityforbetterphysicalandmentalhealth.Growth estimates and latest trends of Beauty and Wellness sector in IndiaThebeautyandwellnessindustryinIndiaisgrowingataCAGRof18.6percent,drivenbyaburgeoningIndianeconomy.Thesectoristhrivingontheincreasingsectionofaffluentandmiddle-classpopulationthathasstartedconsideringbeautyandwellnessasanecessityinsteadofaluxury,asperceiveduntilsometimeago.Increasedemphasisonaholisticwellbeingwithpeople?sdesiretolookgoodandyoungareothermotivatorsfortheindustry.Therejuvenationsegmentisnolongerperceivedasamereluxuryservicebutitisnowacknowledgedasanessentialtooltode-stressandensurecompletewellbeing.According to CSO, growth in consumption expenditure dropped to 4 percent in FY2013 from 8 percent in FY2012, but expenditure on wellness products and services remains steady, riding on increasing share of discretionary spending. All these factors put together is only going to increase the job opportunities for a Bath Attendant across towns and cities in India.
Beauty and Wellness centers across India
Spas across India
Towns and cities across India
Will be updated
VLCCInternational School of Aesthetics and Spa
Ananda Spa Institute
CV International Academy of Beauty