United States
Dress Maker
Costume Planner
Dress Designer
Fashion Designer
Minimum ? 12th pass
Minimum 2 years of experience in an organization
The tasks a Dresser, Stage and Studio is expected to perform include:
Designing, maintaining and, selecting costumes and dresses for actors and actresses for stage and studio performance
Determining types of dresses required for dressing the actors and actresses in playing various roles, in consultation with the Art Director
Designing dresses for tailoring and ensuring that the completed dresses fulfill the requirement of the character to be depicted
Dressing the actors and actresses or helping them dress appropriately for the stage and studio
Repairing and getting clothes washed and pressed, whenever required
Knowledge of keeping dresses and clothes and maintaining accounts
Proficient in getting the clothes washed and pressed after use
Adept with alterations or repairing of the dresses
Knowledge of designing dresses as per the requirement of the characters being depicted
Proficient in determining the type of dresses for the actors and actresses, in consultation with the Art Director
Proficient in assisting the actors and actresses to dress appropriately for the stage and studio
Not applicable
Aesthetic sense
Eye for detail
Good people skills
Flair for anticipating and identifying upcoming trends
It needs one to be on their toes
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Design studios usually work for 5/6 days a week for 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from studio to studio
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?Maybe
This job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous under The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)Occupational hazards may include stress, fatigue, etc.
For freshers - INR 10,000 to INR 15,000 per month
For candidates with 2 - 4 years of experience or more - INR 25,000 toINR 30,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Overview of Beauty and Wellness Sector in India
TheglobalbeautyandwellnessindustryisgrowingataCAGRof15percentannuallyoverthelastfiveyears.Thetopfivegrowing beautyandwellnessmarketsareChina,Brazil,theUS,IndiaandIndonesia.Thereisashifttowardstheemergingmarketsandthisislikelytocontinuewithover50percentofthetotalbeautyproductsalesby2018expectedfromdevelopingcountries.Theriseinworld?sleadinghealthproblems(obesity,hypertensionandcardiovasculardiseases)contributetothedemandforwellness-relatedproductsandservices.Therefore,thesectorthrivesontheincreasingsectionofpopulationthatisnowconsideringbeautyand wellnessasanecessityforbetterphysicalandmentalhealth. Thelistofotherfast-growingsubsectorsincludeacupuncture,naturopathy, ayurveda,meditation,biofeedbackandyoga.
The next decade is expected to witness a transformation of India?s youth, comprising 53 percent of the total population, leading to opening up of the beauty market as everyone in this age group wants to be physically and mentally fit and look and feel good.
Growth Estimates and Latest Trends of Beauty and Wellness Sector in India
According to CSO, growth in consumption expenditure dropped to 4 percent in FY2013 from 8 percent in FY2012, but expenditure on wellness products and services remains steady, riding on increasing share of discretionary spending. Customers are willing to pay a premium for a beauty and wellness ?experience?. Spending on beauty and wellness is no longer considered a luxury. Customers are more aware of holistic approaches to wellbeing and setting aside quality time towards these activities. There is an increased preference for organic options.
Rising income, increasing awareness among consumers in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and low rental/manpower costs are some drivers for expansion into hitherto untapped regions. For a number of organized beauty and wellness players, over 50 percent of their new store additions during FY 2013 have been beyond Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. As revenues in the sector continue to grow, the need for skilled manpower like Dresser, Stage and Studio would also continue to grow at an equal pace.
Design studios across India
Towns and cities across India
Will be updated
National Institute of Fashion Technology
National Institute of Fashion Designing
Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology
Pearl Academy of Fashion
School of Fashion Technology