United States
Sales Supervisors (Retail)
Sales Supervisors (Wholesale)
Minimum Graduate
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The tasks a Sales Supervisors, Other is expected to perform include:
Supervising the wholesale business of any commodity in a particular area of the specified zone to effect better sales and improve the supply and demand position
Directing the representatives or area salesmen to contact the prospective retail businessmen
Advising the stockists and distributors to supply goods as required
Suggesting improvements to avoid adverse effects on the business
Supervising the performance of sales girls and salesmen in department stores, emporia, etc. to co-ordinate their functions and ensure the smooth selling of activities
Ensuring that the salesmen, retail and shop assistants attend to the customers promptly and politely and conduct sales in a regular manner
Proficient in supervising the work of representatives or area salesmen to popularize and promote business
Well-versed in handling complaints regarding service, defective goods or poor quality of goods
Knowledge of maintaining the registers of sales
Well-versed in maintaining the stock of goods in demand and replenishing them as necessary
Knowledge of preparing and submitting the returns and reports performance of juniors and subordinates to the head office for service benefits
Proficient in getting merchandise properly arranged by the shop attendants according to quality, demand, price range, etc.
Ability to personally attend to customers during rush hours
Knowledge of handling cash and maintaining the stock and sales accounts
Good communication skills
Leadership skills
Relationship building skills
Presentable personality
Team player
Calm and composed
Analytical thinking
It needs one to be on their toes
Need to handle a team of Sales Assistants
Travelling may be a part of this job
Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available in some cities
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Working hours are 10/12 hours everyday for 5/6 days a week. This may vary from shop to shop
Shift system is available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is suitable for candidates with One Arm (OA), Muscular Weakness (MW), Blind (B), Low Vision (LV) and those who are Hearing Impaired (HH)
The job is considered mildly hazardous or dangerous
Health hazards include target pressure, working for long hours, continuous travelling, extreme climate conditions, dust, etc.
Occupational hazards include body ache, mental stress, respiratory problems, etc.
For candidates with 2-5 years of experience or more - INR 37,500 to INR 42,000 per month
(*This figure are indicative and subject to change)
Current and Future Trends of the Organized Retail Sector in India
The Indian retail industry estimated at US$ 435 billion is expected to witness a CAGR of 18.1% over the next 4-5 years and reach US$ 848 billion. Penetration of organized players is estimated to increase to 11% from the current level of 7% with the organized segment projected to grow at approximately 29% CAGR. The Indian retail industry has been growing at a steady pace fuelled by factors like changing lifestyles, rising disposable incomes, favourable demographics, and easy credit availability.
Retail is one of the largest employers of the Indian workforce with about 90% of employment concentrated in frontend/retail customer associate profiles at store level operations. Soft skills such as communication skills and interpersonal skills are the key criteria for employability for both entry level and middle level jobs at the store-end. This industry currently employs over 31 million people in conventional retail segments and an additional 7.6 million in specialized retail segments like QSR, auto and jewellery retail as on 2013. The employment base of the industry is expected to reach 40.4 million by 2022 in conventional retail segments and 15.55 million in specialized retail segments. This would translate into an additional 17.35 million employment opportunities during the period 2013-22.
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