United States
Cotton Farmer
Cotton Planter
Cotton Plantation Worker
Minimum ? No entry barrier, 5th standard passed preferable
Certified training for Cotton Cultivator (programme aligned to AGR/Q0202 released by Agriculture Skill Council of India)
Prior experience in cash crop operations for one season
The tasks a Cotton Cultivator is expected to perform include:
Obtaining appropriate equipment and tools
Procuring and preparing seed material for cotton
Preparing the nurser
Curbing weed in field crop
Cultivating cotton
Harvesting the produce
Marketing and selling the farm produce
Knowledge of the tools and equipment used in cotton farming
Ability to select appropriate site for cultivation of cotton
Proficient in preparing the land for cotton cultivation
Ability to perform propagation and transplantation
Familiar with macro and micro nutrient management in cotton seed
Familiar with integrated insect, pest and disease management for field crops
Familiar with irrigation management
Familiar with harvest and post-harvest management
Skilled in basic farm management
Equipped to assimilate market information
Ability to keep up with the latest developments in variety of cotton and new equipment
Knowledge of basic arithmetic
Hands-on training
Extension training or Krishi Vigyan Kendra training
Manual dexterity
Physically fit
Ability to work independently
Ability to take risks
Hardworking and persistent
Self-directed learner
Ability to negotiate
It is a field job
May need to handle a team
Local travelling is a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Flexible working hours
Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible
Shift system maybe applicable as per the farm norms
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?No
This job is not considered dangerous or hazardous.Occupational hazard includes cotton allergy
Health risks include exposure to pesticides, fertilizer and other chemicals, extreme weather conditions, considerable amount of dust and equipment noise
For daily wage workers - INR175 toINR200 per day
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Cotton Cultivating in India
Over the years, our country has achieved significant quantitative increase in cotton production. Till 1970s, India used to import massive quantities of cotton in the range of 8.00 to 9.00 lakh bales per annum. However, after the government launched special schemes like intensive cotton production programmes through successive five-year plans, cotton production received the necessary impetus through an increase in area and sowing of hybrid varieties around mid-70s.
Since then, India has become mostly self-sufficient in cotton production. Since the launch of"Technology Mission on Cotton"by Government of India in February 2000, significant progress has been made in increasing yield and production through development of high yielding varieties, appropriate transfer of technology, better farm management practices, increased area under cultivation of Bt cotton hybrids etc.
All these developments have resulted in a turn-around in cotton production in the country since last 6/7 years. The yield per hectare which was stagnant at about 300 kg/ha for more than 10 years, has increased substantially and reached a level of 554 kg/ha in cotton season 2007-08.
The fundamental changes that are taking place in the realm of cotton cultivation in the country have the potential to take the current productivity level close to the world average cotton production per hectare in the near future. As the sector prospers, job opportunities for Cotton Cultivator will also increase.
Cotton farm owners
Agriculture co-operative organizations
Cities and towns across India
Will be updated
Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs) across the country
State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI), of different Agricultural Universities in India