
Farmer, Planter, Vegetable Cultivator

Minimum ? No entry barrier, preferably 5th standard pass

Not required

The tasks a Cultivator, Vegetables is expected to perform include:Determining the selection of vegetables based on market demand, weather, soil and irrigation conditions

Operating tractors and other farm machinery Setting up and maintaining channels for irrigation

Repairing and maintaining farm vehicles, implements and mechanical equipment

Digging, planting seeds and transplanting seedlings using hand tools or machinery

Selecting and applying pesticides and fertilizers to the vegetables

Plucking mature vegetables using hand tools or other machinery Participating in the inspection, grading, sorting, storage, and post-harvest treatment of vegetables Loading farm produce into trucks/carts and driving trucks to market or storage facilities

Directing and monitoring the work of casual and seasonal workers during planting and harvesting

Marketing and selling the farm produce

Efficient in hiring and supervising the workers Skilled in ploughing, cultivating, harvesting and other agricultural processes

Adept at operating farm machinery

Specialization in crop fertilization, mineral nutrition, crop varieties, propagation and selection

Skilled in integrated insect, pest and disease management Expert in optimal harvesting

Skilled in marketing and sales

Knowledge of the latest development and technology in the field

Skilled in basic farm management Skilled in irrigation management

Proficient in basic arithmetic

Basic knowledge of building fence around the farm

Knowledge of cold storage facilities in the vicinity

Not applicable

Manual dexterity

Physically fit

Ability to work independently

Hardworking and persistent



Ability to negotiate

It is a field job

Work from home is not applicable for this profile

May require supervising a team of other field workers Part-time and contractual jobs may be found in some seasons

Local travelling is required

Working hours

Working hours are not fixed


Shift system may be involved according to the farm norms

Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?No

This job is not considered hazardous or dangerous Health risks include exposure to pesticides, fertilizers, extreme weather conditions, dust and equipment noise

Occupational hazards include back/neck pains, injury to body and accidents while using heavy farm equipment

For daily wage workers - INR 90 to INR 340 per day3 (These figures are indicative and subject to change)

Growth in the Horticulture Sector4

Horticulture is the fastest growing sector within Indian agriculture. The country has witnessed tremendous progress in vegetable production, especially during the post-green revolution period. Development of improved vegetable varieties/hybrids/technologies through systematic research coupled with their adoption by the farmers and developmental policies of the government culminated in tremendous increase in area under vegetables (8.5 million ha), production (146.5 million t) and productivity (17.3 t/ha) in the country. The per capita availability of vegetables is also on the increase.

Increasing per capita income, health consciousness, urbanization, increasing working women, shifting of farmers to high value vegetables due to higher income, favourable income, elasticity of demand and annual growth rate for domestic demand for fruits & vegetables are also important ingredients for fuelling vegetable growth in the country. The increase in the vegetable growth in the country, thus shows a promising career for a Vegetable Cultivator.


Farm owners Agriculture co-operative organizations

Job openings are in Tier III cities5