United States
Sanitary Inspector
Health and Sanitary Officer
Minimum 12th pass and Diploma in Sanitation
Not required
The tasks a Sanitary Inspector is expected to perform include:
Taking measures to maintain and improve standard of public health in specified area
Inspecting houses, shops, factories, entertainment places, bazars, drains, night soil depots, rubbish depots, latrines, burial and cremation grounds, etc.
Undertaking public health activities such as disinfections, anti-malarial and anti-epidemic measures
Inspecting hotels, restaurants, etc. to ensure that food and edibles sold are fit for public consumption
Attending complaints regarding sanitation
Reporting outbreak of infectious diseases to authorities and taking preventive measures
Attending courts for prosecution of persons violating sanitation and public health regulations
Performing inoculation work
Controlling and supervising work of sanitary daroghas
Skilled in performing clinical tests of food and water
Knowledge of Ministry of Health (Mo
H) policies and general system of sanitation management
Knowledge of legal procedures regarding sanitation policies
Knowledge of hygiene measures to be taken by food companies, factories, etc.Skilled in handling complaints regarding health and hygiene
Not required
Ability to make informed decisions
Excellent communication skills
Good interpersonal skills
Excellent analytical skills
Attention to detail
It is not a desk job
Need to handle a team of sanitary daroghas
Local travelling is a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are not available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Departments usually work for 5/6 days a week and 7/8 hours everyday. This may vary from department to department
Shift system is not available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?This job is suitable for candidates with One Leg (OL), One Arm (OA), those who have Both their Legs Impaired (BL) and Hearing Impaired (HH)
This job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous under The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)
Occupational hazards include mental stress and pain in joints, exposure to infections, etc. if not taken care of
For freshers - 5,200 to 20,200 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Overview of Healthcare Sector in India
According to CII, in India as well, Healthcare has emerged as one of the largest service sectors with estimated revenue of around US$ 30 billion constituting 5% of GDP and offering employment to around 4 million people. By 2025, Indian population will reach 1.4 billion with about 45% constituting urban adults (15 years+). To cater to this demographic change, the healthcare sector will have to be about US$ 100 billion in size contributing nearly 8 to 10% of the then GDP.Medical tourism market is valued to be worth over US$ 310 million with more than 100,000 foreign patients coming every year.
The Indian healthcare industry is growing at a tremendous pace due to its strengthening coverage, services and increasing expenditure by public as well private players. The Indian healthcare industry is projected to continue its rapid expansion, with an estimated market value of US$ 280 billion by 2020.
With the growth and awareness of health and sanitation, the employment opportunities for Sanitary Inspector will also increase in the future.
Medical colleges
Centre and state governments
Cities and towns across India
Will be updated
Government and private medical colleges across India