United States
Alcohol Consultants
Alcohol Technologists
Alcohol Researchers
Minimum Bachelors degree in Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology
Minimum experience of 1 to 3 years
The tasks a Technologist, Alcohol is expected to perform include:
Conducting research for beverage alcohols, rectified spirits and by-products
Receiving cultures of different varieties of yeast from distilleries
Documenting various varieties of yeasts based on lab testing
Formulating lab results and sanctioning its use by public
Conducting technical instruction of distilleries to maintain efficiency at high level
Keeping technical control on fermentation, grinding and distillation
Advising distilleries and pharmacies in day to day technical problems
Advising excise department and government on technical matters connected with fermentation industries
Examining tools, equipment and premises, periodically
Training and building researchers for development
Knowledge of different varieties of yeast
Skilled in petrol mixing depots to examine preparation of petrol mixture
Proficient in taking up latest research problems connected with fermentation industries
Knowledge of properties of liquid fuels
Skilled in analysing final products drawn by various excise inspectors
Proficient in examining technical efficiency data furnished by various distilleries
Familiar with all the tools and equipment brought in use
Knowledge of all the new application of alcohol
Skilled in suitable denaturants and preserving samples
Masters in Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology
Analytical bend of mind
Attention to detail
Good communication skills
It is not a desk job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are not available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Companies usually work for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needsNo
This job is not considered hazardous or dangerous as per The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)
For freshers -INR14,000 toINR20,000 per month
For candidates with experience -INR16,000 toINR41,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Liquor Industry in India
The Indian liquor industry includes manufacturing, distribution, sale as well as research related to liquor. Its market can be divided into various categories like IMFL (Indian-made foreign liquor), imported liquor, beer and country-made liquor. This market is brimming with growth.
Indian Alcoholic Industry currently pegged at INR 507bn is stated to grow at a CAGR of ~29% to reach INR 1400bn by 2015. The alcoholic beverages industry, as they say is recession-proof. With a rising and promising GDP, the economic status of India is robust. Rising social acceptability, conspicuous consumption and high disposable income of the globalised consumer is pushing the industry to newer heights. Also, rapid urbanisation in metros and tier-2 cities, is contributing further to the growth.
So, it means that the job of a Technologist Alcohol who conducts research for beverage alcohols, rectified spirits and by-products has a lot of growth scope in the future.
Beverage production companies
Government research labs
Food processing units
Consulting firms
Cities and towns across India
Government and private institutes of food technology across India
National Sugar Institute,
Vasantdada Sugar Institute,
Gargi Agricultural Research and Training Institute,