United States
Construction Business Owner
Working Proprietor of Construction
Managing Director
Construction Contractor
Minimum Degree in Civil / Mechanical / Construction Engineering
Minimum work experience of 7-8 years as a Construction Manager or Construction EngineerMinimum work experience of 5 years as a Director
The tasks a Working Proprietor, Construction is expected to perform include: Formulating policy, plans, organizing and controlling activities of organization or enterprise, wholly or partly owned by him, Engaged in construction, maintaining and repairing of buildings, roads, bridges, railway tracks, aerodromes, canals, dams, etc.
Competent in planning and directing construction and building related activities
Proficiency in determining organizational requirements
Competent in handling a team of engineers, managers and supervisors
Competent in handling extreme work pressure and stress
Excellent management skills
Alertness and attentiveness
Strong networking, marketing and negotiation skills
Excellent leadership qualities
Excellent business sense
It is not a desk job
Need to handle teams of workers, engineers, managers, supervisors, directors, contractors
Local travelling is a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available in some cities
Work from home option is available
Working hours
Construction companies usually work for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company Shift system maybe available
Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needsMaybe
This job is not considered dangerous or hazardous
Occupational hazards include general fatigue, stress, anxiety, pressure, unsocial working hours, long hours of travel and work, etc.
Health risks include exposure to dirt and dust, pollution, construction site, etc.
For candidates with up to 7 years experience INR 65,000 to INR 70,000 per monthFor candidates with 8 to 10yearsexperienceINR 75,000 to INR 80,000 per monthFor candidates with over 10 years experience INR 3,00,000toINR 5,00,000 per month(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Growth of Construction Sector in India
The market value of construction sector in India is projected to expand up to INR 11954 billion by 2017. Continuously increasing infrastructure spending levels of the government has made the industry highly attractive among foreign investors in the recent years.
The Construction sectors growth is expected to reach 7.5 percent by 2016-17 from current growth rates of 5.6 percent and is expected to contribute significantly to the countrys GDP in the next five years thereby showing its vital importance for the economic growth of the nation.
Construction sector is the 2nd largest employer in the country. The sector currently employs over 45 million employees and is slated to employ more than 76 million employees by 2022. This implies additional creation of 31 million jobs in the 9 year period. Supervisory and managerial levels constitute 12% of the total workforce. The Working Group for the Twelfth Plan estimates an additional requirement of 23,000 engineers and supervisors in order to cope with the envisaged capacity expansions. Higher investment public as well as private sector growth forecast over next 5 years is 8 to 9%. This indicates that there will be greater job opportunities for a Working Proprietor, Construction.
Large construction companies
Agricultural construction companies
Residential and building construction industries
Commercial construction companies
Heavy civil engineering companies
Environmental engineering industries and transport construction companies
Towns and cities across India
Will be updated
Architectural / Civil / Mechanical / Chemical Engineering Institutes across India
Will be updated