United States
Lodging Managing Director
Catering Chief Executive
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The tasks a Working Proprietor, Lodging and Catering Services is expected to perform include:
Planning, organizing, co-ordinating and controling operations of organization or establishment wholly or partly owned by him
Engaging in serving food, drinks and beverages and providing lodging and camping facilities to public
Knowledge of organizing and controlling activities of an organization
Ability to plan and organize budgets
Well-versed with allotting work to various staff members
Proficient in looking after needs and comforts of guests and visitors
Knowledge of safe working practices and procedures
Proficiency in managingcordialrelationshipwithguests
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Flexibility and attentiveness
Time management skills
Good team leader
Attention to detail
Pleasant personality
It is not a desk job
Need to handle a team
Local travelling is a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available in some cities
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Tourism and hospitality industry usually work for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company Shift system maybe available
Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?Maybe
The job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous under The Factories Act 1948 (section 87)
Occupational hazards may include back aches, general fatigue, etc.
Health risks include exposure to fire while cooking, exposure to cleaning products, use of air fresheners, pest control practices and possibilities of electric shocks due to use of gadgets like dishwasher, microwave, burners, etc.
Forcandidateswithupto2years?experience?INR to INR per month
Forcandidateswith2to5years?experience?INR to INR per month
For candidates with over 6 yearsexperience INR to INR per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
An Overview of the Tourism Sector
Foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) in India have been consistently increasing in the last 30 years. Ever since the turn of the millennium, the number of FTAs has grown at a CAGR of 9%, until 2012.
The sector currently employs over 6.9 million employees and is slated to employ more than 13 million by 2022. This implies an additional creation of approximately 6 million jobs in the nine - year period. The hotels subsector currently employs approximately 1.9 million employees, which is expected to reach to 2.3 million by 2022.
Increase in workforce is likely to be driven by the creation of additional infrastructure in metros, tier 1 and 2 regions. Within the hotels subsector, about 50 percent of the workforce requirement is expected to occur in the graduate and above category.
The restaurants subsector currently employs approximately 4.6 million employees and the employment base is expected to reach to 10.5 million by 2022.
All these factors indicate good job prospects for professionals such as Working Proprietor, Lodging and Catering Services.
Small hotels across India
Lodges across India
Catering service providers across India
Towns and cities across India
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