411311-Diversional Therapist

ANZSCO code: 
Alternate Titles: 

Recreational Therapist

Job Title: 

Diversional Therapist

Job Description: 

Plans, designs, coordinates and implements recreation and leisure-based activity programs to support, challenge and enhance the psychological, spiritual, social, emotional and physical wellbeing of individuals. Registration or licensing may be required.


Activities Coordinator ,Activities Officer

  • planning and implementing leisure activity programs for individuals in health care and in the community to assist in their social development, and promote their sense of wellbeing
  • identifying individual needs through task analysis
  • evaluating and assessing clients' levels of abilities, interests, needs, strengths and weaknesses, and their ability to carry out a range of tasks and interact with others
  • maintaining a knowledge of resources available within a facility and within the community
  • organising leisure and recreational events
  • assisting with training and supervising volunteers and staff
  • providing information on available support resources within the local community
  • encouraging and supporting clients to take part in activities suited to their particular needs and interests
  • adapting programs to suit individual clients' needs, interests, skills and abilities
Job Group: 



Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.

In Australia

AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)

In New Zealand

NZ Register Level 4 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
Registration or licensing may be required.

Source Of Info: 

Reference Australian Bureau of Statistics
1220.0 - ANZSCO -- Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.596