
Metal Treating Supervisor

Heat Treating Supervisor

Metal Treating Foreman

Minimum 10thstandard pass

Minimum experience of 1 year as a supervisor in a metal treating plant

The tasks a Supervisor and Foreman, Metal Treating is expected to perform include:

Supervising and guiding workers engaged in treating metals

Ensuring arrangement of necessary raw materials, chemicals, tools and equipment, etc.

Planning work according to work assigned and desired finish

Guiding workers in heating metals, controlling temperature, etc.

Reporting operational difficulties to senior staff

Ensuring compliance with safety measures

Ensuring maintenance of tools and equipment

Maintaining necessary records and registers

Basic knowledge of maintaining log books

Skilled in troubleshooting techniques

Knowledge of all the tools and equipment used in metal treating

Basic knowledge of safety measures to be taken inside a metal treating plant

Not applicable


Possess leadership skills

Decision-making ability

Good communication skills

Active listener

It is not a desk job

The candidate will supervise a team of Workers

Local travelling is not a part of this job role

Part-time work and contractual jobs are not available

Work from home option is not available

Working hours

Companies usually work for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours every day. This may vary from company to company

Shift system maybe available in some companies

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needsNo

The job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous as per The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)Occupational hazards include respiratory and breathing ailments, if not taken care of

For freshers - INR15,000 to INR25,000 per month

(These figures are indicative and subject to change)

Trends in the Capital Goods & Manufacturing Sector in India

The Capital Goods and Manufacturing Sector is on a rise in India. More labour force, growing skilled labour and other factors are contributing to its success. The Supervisor and Foreman, Metal Treating opportunities is on a high because of its importance in public and private sector. This sector is vital for Indias economy as:

Many foreign investors are ready to invest in the country in the recent past due to low cost of setting up of plants and available manpower

The government has an ambitious plan to locally manufacture as many as 181 products India currently imports at a cost of at least US$ 18.1 billion

India islikely to emerge as the fastest growing steel consuming nation in the world

Many small and medium manufacturing companies are flourishing in the country and this trend is expected to increase each year. Thus Supervisor and Foreman, Metal treating and related workers will have ample employment opportunities in the future

Manufacturing units across sectors

Cities and towns across India

Will be updated

Government colleges and institutes across India

Private colleges and institutes across India

Will be updated