United States
6224-Hunters and Trappers
Job Title:
Hunters and Trappers
Job Description:
Hunters and trappers catch and kill mammals, birds or reptiles mainly for meat, skin, feathers and other products, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organizations or at markets.
Delivering or selling trapped live mammals, birds or reptiles
Linked Education ( CESM Codes ) :
106 - Animal Sciences
Specific Occupations:
622401 - Hunter
Description : Hunts, traps or shoots animals for food, pelts, research or for pest control.
Green Occupation : No
Green Skill : NoTrade : No
Specializations : Game Tracker, Shooter, Trapper
International Careers(ISCO):
Similar O*NET Careers (USA) :
Source Of Info:
Source : Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) 2013, Department of Higher Education and Training, Republic of South Africa