United States
Comber (Woollen Textile)
Minimum 12th pass
Minimum experience of up to 1 year in relevant field
The tasks a Comb Minder is expected to perform include:
Tending combing machine for combing wool to remove foreign matter
Separating short fibres from long fibres required for worsted yarn
Placing balls of sliver on creel of machine
Passing ends of sliver from balls through guides and placing ends on comb circle
Starting machine and threading sliver, coming out of drawing rollers, through funnel into can at delivery end
Joining broken ends and placing new balls on creel of machine when necessary
Replacing full cans with empty ones at delivery end
Removes noil (short fibres of wool separated from longer fibres by combing) from underneath the machine
Oiling and cleaning the machine
Knowledge of relevant tools and equipment
Skilled in joining ends of broken wool
Skilled in operating various rollers
Equipped in eliminating exhausted balls and replacing them with new ones
Skilled in cleaning and servicing the machine to keep it in proper working condition
Skilled in operating combing machine
Not applicable
It is not a desk job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Companies usually work for 6/7 days a week and 8/10 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
The job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous as per The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)
For freshers - INR 8,000 to INR 16,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Textile and Handloom Industry in India
India?s textile sector is one of the mainstays of the national economy. It is also one of the largest contributing sectors of India?s export contributing 11 per cent to the country?s total export basket. The textile industry is labor intensive and is one of the largest employer. The industry realized export earnings worth US$ 41.57 billion in 2013-14. The Indian textile industry, currently estimated at around US $108 billion, is expected to reach US $ 141 billion by 2021. The Indian government has come up with a number of export promotion policies for the textile sector. It has also allowed 100 per cent FDI in the Indian textile sector under the automatic route.
India has the third largest sheep population in the world with 71 million sheep. The annual wool production is in the range of 43-46 million kg. The wool textile industry in India is poised to grow at a healthy rate. A higher rate of technology penetration into this industry, coupled with government incentives and other capacity-building initiatives have resulted in increased exports, besides stimulating domestic consumption. This shows that in coming decades a boom can be expected in the sector with immense demand of trained professionals. Therefore, the career as a Comb Minder has a bright future and opportunities are only going to rise in coming time.
Textile and handloom companies
Woollen manufacturing companies
Cities and towns across India
Will be updated
Government and private institutes across India
Will be updated