United States
Minimum 5th standard pass or ITI (Carpentry)
Minimum1-3 years of experience in this field
The tasks a Carpenter, Village is expected to perform include:
Making and repairing country ploughs, carts, doors, windows, frames, other agricultural and domestic articles by simple carpentry processes using hand tools
Calculating quantity of timber required
Reading drawings and completing various tasks
Studying sample and selecting timber and other material to suit requirements
Cuttingoversized piecesasrequiredbysawing,adzing,chisellingandplanning
Marking timber to size using tri-square, scriber, etc.
Making wooden pieces to required sizes using chisels, drills planes, saws, etc.
Ensuring correctness of parts on frequent basis
Assembling parts and securing them in positions using screws, nails or dowel
Fitting metal tyres to sheels,bladestoploughs,hingesandhasps,staplestodoors,etc.
Fitting wooden wedges to tighten joints
Checking assembled structure and ensuring their proper functioning
Rectifying defects if any and finishing it as per specifications
Sharpening tools on regular basis
Proficient in using hand and power tools like saw, chisels, drills, etc.
Knowledge of different quality and types of timber available
Proficient in calculating quantity of timber required for a particular article
Well-versed with different measuring tools like square, scribers, measuring tape, etc.
Knowledge of different methods of joints such as half lap, dove-tail, etc.
Proficient in area volume calculations
Knowledge of altering, repairing or replacing old structures
Proficient in using sand paper to smoothen and polish surface
Knowledge of fixing metal fittings to structure
Well-versed with safety procedures to be followed on site
Proficient in joining wooden wedges to tighten joints
Knowledge of simple blacksmith tasks
Willingness to perform laborious tasks
Work independently
Follow instructions
Dexterity of hands
Team player
Good listening skills
Physically fit
It is a field job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Minimum 8 hours of work everyday
Self-employment is an option in this case working hour and working days will be flexible
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needsThis job is suitable for candidates with One Leg (OL) and those who have Hearing Impaired (HH)
The job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous as per The Building and Other Construction Workers Act
Occupational hazards include risk of handling sharp tools, risk of accidents, working in extreme conditions, etc.
Health hazards include risk of developing respiratory disorders due to wooden dust, injuries, cuts and bruises, etc.
For freshers - INR 100 to INR 120 per day
For candidates with 1-2 years of experience or more - INR 150 to INR 200 per day
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Current and Future Growth of Construction Sector in India
In 2012-13, the market value of the construction industry was estimated at 7674 Bn. The sector grew at a CAGR of 9.42% between 2003-04 and 2012-13. The sector has multiple linkages with other sectors and has a strong multiplier effect on the economy. Indirectly, the sector generates 5 times higher value for the other sectors.
It is highly unorganised and employs most labourers, second only to the agriculture sector.
Construction sector is the 2nd largest employer in the country. The sector is also the largest contributor to central exchequer. The market value of construction sector in India is projected to expand up to 11954 billion by 2017. In the recent years increasing Infrastructure spending by the government has made this sector highly attractive among foreign investors. This sector witnessed cumulative foreign direct investments to the tune of 40,399 million from 2000 till 2013 of which 91% was in real estate development.
Labour in construction sector is highly migratory and largely unskilled. The sector creates more than 45 million jobs either directly or indirectly among various classes of individuals in the country which is primarily driven by increase in demand for residential real estate and rising infrastructure expenditure.
The sector currently employs over 45 million employees and is slated to employ more than 76 million employees by 2022. This implies additional creation of around 31 million jobs in the 9 year period.
Furniture manufacturing companies across India
Construction sites across India
Towns and cities across India
All ITIs across India
IL&FS Skills Development Corporation Limited across India
L&T Construction Skill Training Institute across India
Orion Edutech Pvt.Ltd