
Grass Cutter


Minimum ? No entry barrier, preferably 5th standard pass

Not applicable

The tasks a Grass Cutter is expected to perform include:Cutting grass from fields and gardens with sickles or other grass cutting equipment

Mixing different varieties of grass to make feed palatable to animals

Feeding the cut grass and plants to cattle or other animals

Carrying grass to stable or to the market for sale

Keeping tools sharp and maintaining the equipment

Cutting hay and other fodder into small pieces

Using manual or mechanically operated chopper with ease

Efficient in cutting grass manually and with tools

Efficient in maintaining and lubricating the cutting tools and equipment

Knowledge of quality of hay and fodder for optimum animal nutrition

Knowledge of the types of grass and plants

Proficient in marketing and selling activities

Knowledge of the latest grass cutting equipment

Proficient in basic arithmetic

Not applicable

Manual dexterity

Physically fit

Attention to detail

Ability to work independently

Hardworking and persistent



Ability to negotiate

It is a field job

Work from home is not available Part-time jobs maybe available

Contractual work maybe available May require supervising other Field Workers and Helpers

Local travelling is part of the job

Working hours

No fixed working hours

Overtime is common

Shift system is applicable

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?No

This job is mildly hazardous or dangerous Health risks include exposure to extreme temperatures, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals, dust, manure, etc.Occupational hazards include injury to body while using sharp tools

For daily wage workers - INR 90 to INR 340 per day3(These figures are indicative and subject to change)

Increase in Fodder Requirements4

Future development and growth of livestock are highly associated with the scope of availability of fodder from cultivable land, forest, pastures and grazing lands. Traditionally, cattle was grazed on the pastures or gauchar(grazing)landsandsupportedbyfeedingcrop-residuesofjowar,bajra,wheat,maize,paddy,etc.Theeconomicviabilityoflivestockhusbandryheavilydependsonsource(s)offeedandfodderasfeedingcostsaccountforabout65-70percentofthetotalcostoflivestockfarming.Thefeedgiventocattlecomprisesofdryfodder,greenfodderandconcentrates.Theadequatesupplyofnutritivefodderandfeedisacrucialfactorimpactingtheproductivityandperformanceoftheanimals.

Currently, scarcity of feed/fodder resources is a one of the major constraints impacting livestock development. Therefore, the government is now laying emphasis on fodder development programmes for augmenting fodder/feed supply. With adequate provision of feed and fodder for its large livestock population, India has vast potential for meeting the growing needs of teeming millions, particularly in respect of livestock products such as milk, milk products, eggs, meat and wool. Considering the growing need for fodder, there will be plenty of opportunities for Grass Cutters. This profile is different from the grass mowers.


Farm owners

Residents across cities in India

Corporate buildings across cities in India

Agricultural co-operative organizations

Job openings are in Tier I, Tier II and Tier III cities5