
Nursery, Planter

Minimum ? No entry barrier, Preferably 5th pass


The tasks a Nurseryman is expected to perform include:

Managing the operations of the nursery

Growing trees, plants, flowers, etc. in open air or green houses

Deciding the type and number of plants to be grown

Deciding method of planting according to the variety grown

Procuring seeds and other resources from the market

Obtaining appropriate equipment and tools

Preparing the beds/pots for plantation

Ensuring proper irrigation, fertilisation and weeding in the nursery

Spraying insecticides and pesticides on the plants

Collecting and preserving seeds

Selling seedling, seeds, bulbs, etc. to the customers

Maintaining records of the sale and purchase

Knowledge of different types of plants, trees, flowers, etc. Knowledge of preparing seed for sowing Proficient in preparing beds and pots for plantation

Familiar with nutrient management of the soil

Familiar with integrated insect, pest and disease management for plants

Familiar with irrigation management

Skilled in basic nursery management Equipped to assimilate market information

Specialize in fertilisation, mineral nutrition, propagation and selection

Skilled in integrated insect, pest and disease management Skilled in marketing and sales

Stays abreast with the latest development and technology in the field

Knowledge of collecting seeds from plants

Basic knowledge of greenhouse operations

Familiar with drafting of plants


Expertise and hands-on experience in nursery management

Manual dexterity

Physically fit

Ability to work independently

Hardworking and persistent



Ability to negotiate

It is a field job

Work from home is not applicable for this profile

Requires supervising a team of other nursery workers Part-time and contractual jobs may be found Local travelling may be required

Working hours

Working hours are not fixed Overtime and shift system may be involved according to the nursery norms Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?No

Health risks include exposure to pesticides, fertilisers, extreme weather conditions, dust and equipment noise Occupational hazards include back/neck pains, injury to body and accidents while using nursery equipment

If the person is self-employed,profitwillvaryFor candidates on wage system - INR90 toINR340 per day3(These figures are indicative and subject to change)

Trends in Nurseries Management4Increasing consumption of vegetables by health-conscious Indians has given rise to a new business of commercial nurseries selling seedlings of vegetable crops. With the increasing profitability of vegetable cultivation, enterprising farmers have opted to outsource the nursery raising operations to commercial nurseries. Earlier, nurseries used to sell only the ornamental plants and seedlings of fruit crops. Now, nurseries specialising in seedlings of vegetable crops have come up ona large scale in states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.


Nursery owners

Job openings are in Tier I, Tier II and Tier III cities5