United States
Minimum 5th pass
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The tasks a Matron, House Keeping is expected to perform include:
Controlling and supervising work of staff in hostels, boarding houses, orphanages and other residential institutions
Looking after welfare of residents and cleanliness of premises
Allotting duties to domestic staff engaged in cleaning rooms
Seeing that Bai?s, Ayah?s, Waiters etc., attend to comfort of residents and maintain cleanliness of the place
Meeting women residents, enquiring about their comfort and arranging for their requirements
Ability to organise, allot work and supervise staff
Ability to maintaingood hygiene practices in kitchen
Competent to effectively manage workloads, meet deadlines, assess priorities, and manage multiple tasks
Well-versed with laundry and cleaning expertise
Sound knowledge of First-Aid
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Soft-spoken, kind, polite, humble, loving and caring , sensitive, patient
Physically fit
Full auditory
Visual acuity
Time management skills
Attention to detail
It is not a desk job
Needs to handle a team
Local travelling is a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available in some cities
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Tourism and hospitality industry usually works for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company
Shift system maybe available
Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?Maybe
The job is considered mildly hazardous or dangerousunder The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)
Occupational hazards may include general body ache, general fatigue and tiredness, work-related pain or discomfort, etc.
Health risks include exposure to cleaning products, standing for long hours, physical workload, etc.
For candidates with up to 2 years of experience INR 13,500 to INR 15,500 per month
For candidates with 2 to 5 years of experience INR 20,000 to INR 25,000 per month
For candidates with over 5 years of experience INR 40,000 to INR 42,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Tourism Industry Growth in India
Foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) in India have been consistently increasing in the last 30 years. Ever since the turn of the millennium, the number of FTAs has grown at a CAGR of 9%, until 2012. Going forward, FTAs are expected to grow at a slower pace of ~5.9%.
Hoteliers are looking to hire younger candidates for entry-level positions. The sector witnessed tremendous growth at ~12.4% CAGR (current prices) during 2007?12. Intrinsic growth of the sector at constant prices was approximately 2.2% in the same period. The subsequent period of 2013?17 is expected to witness a marginally higher growth rate of 2.6% at constant prices, highlighting the continuation of the sector?s golden period. With the increased thrust of inbound tourism, a large number of people might be required in the travel and tour operators segment in tier 2 and 3 cities and in popular tourist destinations in India. With increasing competition and the need to both attract and retain customers paramount for operators, high quality of service offerings becomes critical.
An Overview of the House Keeping Sector
About 90% of workforce in the sector comprises women
Rapid urbanisation and nuclear families have led to increased demand for domestic help.
Increasing number of educated women are joining the labour market and, hence, their dependence on domestic help is high.
On an average, domestic workers earn a meagre INR6,000 a month in India, as compared to INR23,000 ?30,000 a month in countries like Hong Kong or Singapore. This variation is due to factors such as level of education (domestic workers abroad are better educated as compared to their Indian counterparts)
Recognition of the importance of domestic labour by employers and the enforcement of minimum wages legislation by the government
Companies like The Maid?s Company and Hire-a-Help, which have been in business since 2010 are taking steps towards organising the sector
It is difficult to pinpoint the exact number of people employed as domestic workers in India. The perceived figures vary between 4.2 and 90 million based on different sources. This study estimates the number to be about 6 million, as per various NGO sources
The ?Hunar se Rozgarscheme of the Ministry of Tourism has added housekeeping as a training course on its list of courses and as a result, several new job roles have emerged across the subsectors.
Households, guest houses, orphanages across India Hostels across India
Boarding schools across India Self-employed
Towns and cities across India
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Nursing and housekeeping training institutes across India
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