United States
Minimum Bachelor?s Degree with English dictation speed of 80 words per minute and transcription speed of 50 words
Will be updated
The tasks a Secretary/Back Office Support is expected to perform include:
Recording dictations in shorthand and transcribing them in typewritten form
Transcribing the dictated material from note book, using typewriter
Comparing the typed matter and submitting them to supervisors
Proficient in taking dictation in shorthand
Adept in writing content as described
Well-versed in using typewriter
Adept in keeping track of all content that has been written
Proficient in using correct English to write content
Knowledge of cutting stencil on typewriter for use on duplicating machine
Ability to focus for long hours
Diligent and hardworking
Eye for detail
Good communication skills
Proficiency in English language
Good shorthand and typing speed
It is a desk job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not part of this job
Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Working hours are 9/10 hours everyday for 5/6 days a week. This may vary from company to company
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is suitable for candidates with One Arm (OA), One Leg (OL), Both Legs (BL), One Arm and One Leg (OAL), Blind (B), and those who have Low Vision (LV)
The job is considered mildly hazardous or dangerous
Health hazards include stress, sitting for long hours, etc.
Occupational hazards include shoulder and back pain, neck pain, heart diseases, depression and anxiety, fatigue, headache, risk of metabolic syndrome, etc.
For freshers INR 10,000 to INR 15,000 per month
For candidates with 1/2 years of experience - INR 15,000 to INR 20,000 per month
For candidates with over 2 years of experience - INR 20,000 to INR 25,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Overview of Indian Offices Administrative and Facility Management Sector
With the favourable macroeconomic condition and various reforms driven by the government of Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, India?s growth rate is expected to rise to 7.5 percent this year and next, making it one of the fastest growing economies in the world, according to the IMF's latest economic health check.
As the Indian economy is growing many foreign companies are looking to set up their base in India, existing companies are expanding their operation and many new start up entering Indian markets.
A recent report by the industry body National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) found that India is now the fourth largest start up hub in the world, with more than 3000 new companies. Over the next five years, that number is expected to grow to 11,500.
All basic jobs in government sections require trained hands in stenography. Even in public sector undertakings, there are many vacancies, but very few eligible candidates. According to placement agency expert Deepa Ghonge, there are many openings for trained stenographers, as it is considered as a must qualification for executive secretary in corporate sector and advised that college going students must acquire this skill as was the practice till last decade.
Thus, with new companies entering the Indian market and existing companies expanding their operation demand for various office administration and facility management staff like Stenographer, Secretary, etc. is expected to increase in India.
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Directorate General of Employment and Training