United States

Automation Impact

Salary Level
AverageTitle | Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed |
Experience | Some previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is usually needed. For example, a teller would benefit from experience working directly with the public. |
Education | These occupations usually require a high school diploma. |
Job Training | Employees in these occupations need anywhere from a few months to one year of working with experienced employees. A recognized apprenticeship program may be associated with these occupations. |
Examples | These occupations often involve using your knowledge and skills to help others. Examples include sheet metal workers, forest fire fighters, customer service representatives, physical therapist aides, salespersons (retail), and tellers. |
SVP Range | (4.0 to 6.0) |
- Majority (67.56) percent of respondents had : High School Diploma (or GED or High School Equivalence Certificate)
- Some (17.88) percent of respondents had :Some College Courses
- Some (7.76) percent of respondents had :Less than a High School Diploma
Interest Code : CR
- Conventional-Conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.
- Realistic-Realistic occupations frequently involve work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They often deal with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Many of the occupations require working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.
- Oral Comprehension-The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.
- Oral Expression-The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.
- Near Vision-The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).
- Written Comprehension-The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.
- Speech Recognition-The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person.
- Speech Clarity-The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you.
- Dependability-Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.
- Integrity-Job requires being honest and ethical.
- Attention to Detail-Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.
- Cooperation-Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude.
- Self Control-Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations.
- Stress Tolerance-Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations.
Top 3 Values
- Relationships-Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to provide service to others and work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive environment. Corresponding needs are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service.
- Support-Occupations that satisfy this work value offer supportive management that stands behind employees. Corresponding needs are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical.
- Working Conditions-Occupations that satisfy this work value offer job security and good working conditions. Corresponding needs are Activity, Compensation, Independence, Security, Variety and Working Conditions.
- Active Listening-Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
- Speaking-Talking to others to convey information effectively.
- Reading Comprehension-Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
- Service Orientation-Actively looking for ways to help people.
- Critical Thinking-Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
- Monitoring-Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
- Customer and Personal Service-Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.
- English Language-Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
- Mathematics-Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.
- Sales and Marketing-Knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting, and selling products or services. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques, and sales control systems.
- Clerical-Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and records, stenography and transcription, designing forms, and other office procedures and terminology.
- Computers and Electronics-Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.
- Sell and collect payment for products such as stamps, prepaid mail envelopes, and money orders.
- Weigh letters and parcels, compute mailing costs based on type, weight, and destination, and affix correct postage.
- Keep money drawers in order, and record and balance daily transactions.
- Check mail to ensure correct postage and that packages and letters are in proper condition for mailing.
- Register, certify, and insure letters and parcels.
- Complete forms regarding changes of address, or theft or loss of mail, or for special services such as registered or priority mail.
- Sort incoming and outgoing mail, according to type and destination, by hand or by operating electronic mail-sorting and scanning devices.
- Receive letters and parcels, and place mail into bags.
- Put undelivered parcels away, retrieve them when customers come to claim them, and complete any related documentation.
- Obtain signatures from recipients of registered or special delivery mail.
- Performing for or Working Directly with the Public-Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests.
- Getting Information-Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
- Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events-Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events.
- Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards-Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.
- Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates-Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
- Handling and Moving Objects-Using hands and arms in handling, installing, positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things.
- Indoors, Environmentally Controlled-Mostly this job require working indoors in environmentally controlled conditions
- Importance of Being Exact or Accurate-Required to be very exact or highly accurate in performing this job
- Contact With Others-This job require the worker to be in contact with others (face-to-face, by telephone, or otherwise) in order to perform it?
- Face-to-Face Discussions-Mostly you have to have face-to-face discussions with individuals or teams in this job?
- Spend Time Making Repetitive Motions-Mostly this job require making repetitive motions
- Deal With External Customers-Important to work with external customers or the public in this job
- Importance of Repeating Same Tasks-Repeating the same physical activities (e.g., key entry) or mental activities (e.g., checking entries in a ledger) over and over, without stopping, to performing this job?
- Spend Time Standing-Mostly this job requires standing
- Accounting software e.g. Budgeting software
- Enterprise resource planning ERP software e.g. Delivery operations information system DOIS
- Time accounting software e.g. Electronic Time Clock ETC
- Inventory management software e.g. Inventory tracking software
- Operating system software e.g. Microsoft Windows
- Point of sale POS software e.g. NCR Advanced Store
- Human resources software e.g. Time and Attendance Collection System TACS
- Automatic postal or mailing machine e.g.Automated mail processing equipment
- Bar code reader equipment e.g.Barcode scanners
- Sorters e.g.Barcode sorters
- Bin handlers e.g.Bin stackers
- Sorters e.g.Doubles detectors
- Sorters e.g.Electronic mail sorting devices
- Material handling racks e.g.General purpose mail containers
- Rubber stamping stamps e.g.Hand stamps
- Hand trucks or accessories e.g.Hand trucks
- Mailing bags e.g.Mail bags