5435- COOKS

Job Title: 


Alternate Titles: 

Cook,Cook-supervisor,Head cook

Job Description: 

Cooks prepare, season and cook food, often using pre-prepared ingredients, in clubs, private households, fast food outlets, shops selling food cooked on the premises and the catering departments and canteens of other establishments.


There are no formal academic requirements. Training is provided off- and on-the-job. NVQs/ SVQs in Food Preparation and Cooking are available at Levels 1, 2 and 3. Apprenticeships leading to an NVQ/SVQ at Level 3 are also available.
Refer The S/NVQ framework for more details


The simplified NS-SEC analytic class for this code is 6
The simplified NS-SEC operational category for this code is 12.2
Refer The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification for more details


  • requisitions or purchases foodstuffs and checks quality;
  • plans meals, prepares, seasons and cooks foodstuffs;
  • cooks and sells a range of meals, such as fish and chips, over the counter;
  • plans and co-ordinates kitchen work such as fetching, clearing and cleaning of equipment and utensils.
International Careers(ISCO):