7312-Musical Instrument Makers, Repairers and Tuners

Job Title: 

Musical Instrument Makers, Repairers and Tuners

Job Description: 

Musical instrument makers, repairers and tuners make, assemble, repair, adjust, restore musical instruments and tune them to the required pitch with hand or power tools. They usually specialise in one type of instrument, such as string instruments, brass instruments, pianos, reed instruments or percussion instruments.


Tasks include:

  • fabricating and assembling musical instruments and instrument parts of wood, ebonite, metal, leather and other materials
  • repairing or replacing musical instrument parts and components, such as strings, bridges, felts, and keys, using hand and power tools
  • playing and inspecting instruments to evaluate their sound quality and to locate any defects
  • adjusting string tensions to achieve proper tone or pitch of stringed instruments
  • adjusting lips, reeds, or toe hole of organ pipes, using hand tools, to regulate airflow and loudness of sound
  • tuning and servicing pipe organs by adjusting pitch of organ pipes to conform with pitch of tuning fork and adjusting pitch of other pipes with references to pitch of tuned pipes
  • installing new drumheads in percussion instruments
  • tuning accordions by aurally comparing pitch of reeds with master reeds and filing reeds to obtain standard pitch
  • aligning pads and keys on reed or wind instruments
  • tuning percussion instruments to required pitch by tightening or loosening cords holding leather pieces fixed atop or at both ends of instrument
  • assembling and installing new pipe organs and pianos in buildings
Additional Notes: 

This unit group includes

Metal musical wind instrument maker
Tone regulator (musical instrument)
Woodwind instrument maker

Specific Occupations: 

Musical instrument maker/repairer/tuner

International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

Source: SINGAPORE STANDARD OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION 2015, Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore