6112-Tree and Shrub Crop Growers

Job Title: 

Tree and Shrub Crop Growers

Job Description: 

Tree and shrub crop growers plan organize and perform farming operations to grow and harvest trees and shrubs, such as fruit and nut trees, tea and coffee bushes, grape vines, berry-bearing bushes, cocoa trees and rubber trees and to collect sap, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organizations or at markets. Farmers not involved in co-operatives are also classified under this unit group.


Controlling weeds, pests and diseases, by applying herbicides and pesticides

Linked Education ( CESM Codes ) : 

104 - Applied Horticulture and Horticultural Business Services

Specific Occupations: 

611201 - Arboriculture Farmer
Description : Plans, organises and performs farming operations to grow trees.
Green Occupation : No
Green Skill : NoTrade : No
Specializations : Arboriculture Farm Foreman, Arboriculture Production Supervisor

611202 - Horticultural Farmer
Description : Plans, organises and performs farming operations to grow crop such as fruit, nuts etc.
Green Occupation : No
Green Skill : NoTrade : No
Specializations : Horticultural Farm Foreman, Horticultural Production Supervisor

International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

Source : Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) 2013, Department of Higher Education and Training, Republic of South Africa