United States
5152-Domestic Housekeepers
Job Title:
Domestic Housekeepers
Job Description:
Domestic housekeepers organize, supervise and carry out housekeeping functions in private households with or without the support of subordinate staff.
Assisting in cases of minor injury or illness by performing tasks such as taking temperature, giving medicine, putting g on bandages
Linked Education ( CESM Codes ) :
913 - Public Health
Specific Occupations:
515201 - Domestic Housekeeper
Description : Cleans, cooks and performs other housekeeping tasks in private residences.
Green Occupation : No
Green Skill : NoTrade : No
Specializations : Domestic Servant, House Steward Private, Housekeeper (Private / Residential Service)
515202 - Butler
Description : Supervises and coordinates activities of household employees engaged in cooking, cleaning, and related domestic duties.
Green Occupation : No
Green Skill : NoTrade : No
Additional Notes:
NOTE: This Unit group includes operators of small accommodation establishments, such as some bed and breakfast establishments and small guest houses, that provide accommodation and limited meal services to clients effectively as paying guests in private households, and for whom the management and supervision of staff is not a significant component of the work.
International Careers(ISCO):
Similar O*NET Careers (USA) :
Source Of Info:
Source : Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) 2013, Department of Higher Education and Training, Republic of South Africa