6330-Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers

Job Title: 

Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers

Job Description: 

Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers grow and harvest field or tree and shrub crops, vegetables and fruit, gather wild fruits, medicinal and other plants, tend or hunt animals, and/or catch fish and gather various forms of aquatic life in order to provide food, shelter and a minimum of cash income for themselves and their households.


Tasks include

  • preparing the soil, sowing, planting, tending and harvesting field crops
  • growing vegetables, fruit and other tree and shrub crops
  • gathering wild fruits, medicinal and other plants
  • breeding, tending and feeding animals and poultry mainly to obtain meat, eggs, milk, hair, skin or other products
  • fetching water and gathering firewood
  • storing produce for later use and carrying out some processing of produce
  • building and maintaining houses and other shelters
  • making tools, clothes and utensils for use by the household
  • selling some products at local markets. Notes Workers in a subsistence setting whose main tasks are fetching water and gathering firewood, are classified in unit group 9624, Water and firewood collectors. Workers in subsistence agriculture who perform a limited range of simple and routine tasks, usually under the direction of others, are classified in the relevant unit group in sub-major group 92, Agricultural, forestry and fishery laborers
Specific Occupations: 

Subsistence Farmer, mixed crop and livestock

Worker, farm: skilled (subsistence farming)

International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, PSCO-2307