3359-Regulatory government associate professionals not elsewhere classified

Job Title: 

Regulatory government associate professionals not elsewhere classified

Job Description: 

This unit group covers government regulatory associate professionals not classified elsewhere in Major group 3, Technicians and associate professionals. For instance the group includes agricultural, fisheries, forestry, prices, wages and weights and measures inspectors.


In such cases tasks would include

  • examining places of business to ensure the use of correct weights and measures in trade
  • monitoring price regulations to assess appropriateness of costs for goods and services to protect consumer interests
  • monitoring wage regulations to ensure appropriate levels of pay for work performed and to assess compliance with employment standards legislation
  • performing related investigative and administrative tasks to record findings, document compliance problems or inappropriate business practices and to prepare reports and correspondence.
Specific Occupations: 

Inspector (civil service/government administration/ marketing/ price/ rates (claims)/ wage/ weights and measures)

Official, electoral/Officer, non-gazetted

Censor, government administration

Inspector( agricultural/ fisheries/ forestry)

Source Of Info: 

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, PSCO-2204