United States
3142-Agricultural technicians
Job Title:
Agricultural technicians
Job Description:
Agricultural technicians perform tests and experiments, and provide technical and scientific support to agricultural scientists, farmers and farm managers.
Tasks include
- preparing materials and equipment for experiments, tests and analyses
- collecting and preparing specimens such as soils, plant or animal cells, tissues or parts or animal organs for experiments, tests and analyses
- assisting with and performing experiments, tests and analyses applying methods and techniques such as microscopy, histochemistry, chromatography, electrophoresis and spectroscopy
- identifying pathogenic micro-organisms and insects, parasites, fungi and weeds harmful to crops and livestock, and assisting in devising methods of control
- analyzing produce to set and maintain standards of quality
- conducting or supervising operational programs such as fish hatchery, greenhouse and livestock production programs
- analyzing samples of seeds for quality, purity and germination rating
- collecting data and estimating quantities and costs of materials and labour required for projects
- organizing maintenance and repairs of research equipment.
Specific Occupations:
Technician (agronomy/crop research/ olericulture / horticulture/ floriculture/ pomology/ arboriculture/soil science)
Tester, soil/herd
(Assistant / Field assistant) agriculture
Officer, technical: field crop /Officer, technical: horticulture/Officer, technical: poultry
Technician( aquaculture / crop research/ dairy/ field crop/olericulture/ pomology/ poultry/ soil science/Tester, herd)
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Source Of Info:
Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, PSCO-2157