United States
Fetler (Woollen Textile)
Carding Machine Fetler
Minimum 12th
Minimum experience of up to 1 year in a relevant area
The tasks a Fetler (Woollen Textile) is expected to perform include:
Cleaning the rollers and cylinders of the carding machines so as to remove wool waste
Removing the slides from the belts and chains that help drive the machine
Ensuring that the rollers and cylinders are rotating properly
Removing all the accumulated dirt, fibres and foreign matter inside the machine
Assuring that all the moving parts of the machine operate freely
Reconnecting the drive mechanism of the machine
Attending to the cards until the cards get filled with material
Assisting the Condenser Minder in taking out the ends and putting them in the proper position on the condenser bobbins
Attending the card mounting along with providing assistance in the repair work of the cards
Skilled in operating the carding machine
Knowledge of the process involved in the removal of waste wool
Skilled in handling the rollers and cylinders of the machine
Skilled in the removal of dirt matter manually
Proficient in troubleshooting and performing routine maintenance of the machine
Not required
Good listening skills
It is not a desk job
Need not supervise a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Companies usually work for 6/7 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
The job is not listed as hazardous or dangerous as per The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)
For freshers - INR 8,000 to INR 16,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Textiles and Handloom Industry in India
The Indian Brand Equity Foundation in their report on the handloom industry of India has stated that the Indian handloom industry demonstrates the richness and diversity of Indian culture. Along with this fact the sector employs about 4.3 million people and this makes it the second-largest employment provider for the rural population in India after agriculture.
India has the third largest sheep population in the world with 71 million sheep. The annual wool production is in the range of 43-46 million kg. The wool textile industry in India is poised to grow at a healthy rate. A higher rate of technology penetration in this industry, coupled with government incentives and other capacity-building initiatives have resulted in increased exports, besides stimulating domestic consumption. This shows that in coming decades a boom can be expected in the sector with immense demand for trained professionals. Therefore, the career of a Fetler (Woollen Textile) has a bright future and opportunities are only going to rise in the coming years.
Textile units
Wool processing units
Cities and towns across India
Government and private schools and boards across India