United States
Coal Cutter
Coal Cutting Machine Operator
Coal Miner
Coal Cutting Machine Driver
Cutting Machine Man
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The tasks a
Miner, Coal Cutting Machineis expected to perform include:
Setting and operating electric or pneumatic coal cutting machinefor loosening coal working face for blastingby undercut below seam up to specifieddepth
Moving machine with accessories toworking place with assistance of mining operatives
Setting machine in position to makeundercut below seam up to specified depth
Manipulating levers to start motion of endlesscutting chain on cutter bar and effect forwardmovement of machine
Advancing cutter barinto working face to cut coal and repeating operation to make other cuts across or downside of working face as desired
Lubricating, adjusting and making minor repairs to machineas required
Proficient in using jacks, timbers, or roof supports, and installing casings, to prevent cave-ins
Ability to detect binding or stoppage of tools or other equipment problems
Well-versed with driving mobile, truck-mounted, or track-mounted drilling or cutting machine
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Technical skills
Problem solving skills
Manual dexterity
Good eyesight
Attention to detail
Physically fit
Mechanical aptitude
It is not a desk job
Need nothandle a team
Local travelling is a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available in some cities
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Mining industryusually work for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company Shift system maybeavailable
Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?Maybe
The job is listed as mildly hazardous or dangerous under The Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)
Occupational hazards may include back aches, general fatigue, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, breathing problems, headaches, cuts, bruises, falls, burns, etc.
Health risks include exposure togreasy floors, excessive noise, kneeling, standing for long hours,skin infections due to physical contact with chemicals, fumes,sharp tools, etc.
For candidates with up to 2 yearsexperience INR to INR permonth
For candidates with 2 to 5years?experience INR toINR permonth
For candidates withover5years?experienceINR toINR permonth
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Human Resources and Skill Requirementin theMining Industry of India
Indian mining sector is largely fragmented, comprising several small scale operational mines. It is still dominated by the mining industries both public and private, which accounts for about 75% of the total mining production in India. Although the industry has the large number of employees including contract manpower totalling to about 9.5 lakhs in different trades of mining, the woeful shortage of skilled personnel in various mining trades is widely felt.
The key factors affecting the human resources and skill requirement in the Indian Mining Industry are technology up-gradation, increase in productivity, stringent environment and sustainable development framework, globalization and aging profile of workforce, and long gestation period for skill acquisition. Given the estimated increase in the mining output as well as the expected changes in the productivity levels, the total employment in the mining industry is estimated to increase to 11 lakhs by the year 2017 and 12 lakhs by the year 2025.These factors indicate good job prospects for Miner, Coal Cutting Machine and other professionals in the industry.
Mining companies across India
Construction companies across India
Towns and cities across India
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