

Minimum Bachelor's Degree in Surveying

Not required

The tasks a Surveyor, Tidal is expected to perform include:

Preparing the charts of tidal behaviour

Targeting a particular regions of sea or harbour for each year of coming five years

Setting tidal machine on sea for automatic registering of both high and low tides in graphic form

Interpreting, computing and feeding the data to time prediction machine

Recording the tidal frequency, depth, strength and volume of tides each year

Skilled in preparing the charts of tidal behaviour

Proficient in carrying out research

Skilled in setting up the tidal machine on sea

Ability to ensure that automatic registering of both high and low tides in graphic form is being done properly through the machine

Basic knowledge of tidal frequency, depth, strength and volume of tides

Not applicable

Attention to detail

Multitasking abilities

Team player







It is not a desk job

Need not handle a team

Local travelling is necessary

Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available

Work from home option is not available

Working hours

Companies usually work for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from company to company

Shift system maybe available

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs

The job is not considered hazardous or dangerous

One may develop occupational hazards such as stress on eyes, mental and physical strain, joint pains, etc., if not taken care of

For freshers - INR 16,000 to INR 25,000 per month

(These figures are indicative and subject to change)

Education Industry in India

According to a report by IBEF, India is an important educational centre in the global education industry. This is because the country has more than 1.4 million schools and more than 35,000 higher education institutes. Also, the vocational education and training is fast emerging as an important area of focus in India.

Survey of India, The National Survey and Mapping Organisation of the country under the Department of Science and Technology, is the oldest scientific department of the govt. of India. It was set up in 1767 and has evolved rich traditions over the years. Survey of India dedicates itself to the advancement of theory, practice, collection and applications of geospatial data and promotes an active exchange of information, ideas and technological innovations amongst the data producers and users who will get access to such data of highest possible resolution at an affordable cost in the near real-time environment.

Considering this it is safe to say that the demand for a Surveyor, Tidal is there in the present and will be there in the future as well.

Survey of India

Cities and towns across India