United States
Sports Therapist
Massage Therapist
Sports Massager
Sports Masseur
Minimum Class XII preferably with Biology
Certified training for Sports Masseur (programme aligned to SPF/Q1103 released by Sports, Physical Education, Fitness & Leisure Sector Skill Council)
Not required
The tasks a Sports Masseur is expected to perform include:
Manipulating muscle tissues to release tension, reduce pain and restore range of movement
Ensuring timely recovery and promoting good body condition of the sportsperson
Working under the supervision of a medical doctor or a physiotherapist
Performing the physical examination of the athlete in the timely manner
Capturing and studying the past medical and fitness history of the athlete
Understanding the problems faced by the athlete by identifying the root cause for the problems
Performing visual inspection of the massage equipment and massage area
Checking for appropriate, safe and hygienic conditions prior to starting the massage sessions
Reporting any issues related to massage equipment or massage area to the concerned authority/management
Skilled in emergency response procedures like CPR and use of artificial breathing devices
Knowledge of basic first aid
Knowledge of anatomy and physiology
Knowledge of the best practice principles of massage techniques
Skilled in identifying the muscles that are responsible for various movements
Proficiency in understanding the effect of various massage techniques
Detailed knowledge of business, professional and ethical code of conduct
Knowledge of occupational health and safety guidelines for performing massage therapy
Skilled in giving clear and concise instructions to the athlete
Training in massage techniques
Good communication skills
Good interpersonal skills
Physically fit
It is not a desk job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Fitness centres usually work for 6/7 days a week and 8/9 hours everyday. This may vary from centre to centre
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is not considered hazardous or dangerous
Occupational hazards may include stiff back, joint pain, etc., if not taken care of
For freshers - INR 14,500 to INR 19,000 per month
(These figures are indicative and subject to change)
Sports, Physical Education, Fitness & Leisure Industry in India
Sports from games and physical activity to organized competitive sport have an important role in all societies. For the individual, it enhances fitness, improves general health and enables a person to be self-confident. At the national level, sport and physical education contribute to economic and social growth, improve public health, and bring different communities together. In the recent years, India has hosted a large number of international events. Since Delhi hosted the Commonwealth Games in 2010, the prime focus of the government is on infrastructure development including transportation, power, etc. Sports retailing has boosted the manufacturing industry in countries like India and China which are global manufacturing hubs for sports products.
With increasing interest in all kinds of sports and youngsters opting for sports as a career option, the job of a Sports Masseur seems to have a great future. There are ample opportunities, starting from domestic tournaments to state level and national level tournaments and going on to international level. The career of any person related to sports in India such as a Sports Masseur is a promising one as professional sports and sports bodies/clubs are on a rise.
Professional sports teams
Fitness clubs
Cities and towns across India
Government and private institutes across India