United States
Purser, Ship
Ship Finance Manager
Minimum BHM (Hotel Management)
Minimum 8 - 10 years of experience required
The tasks a Purser, Ship is expected to perform include:
Dealing with correspondence and accounts relating to ship
Keeping charge of all accounts and paying of ship's personnel
Checking reports of clerks and pays of crew and maintaining their pay rolls
Preparing portage bills and ship's articles (contracts)
Collecting mail and distributing to passengers, officers and crew
Supervising stowing or removal of luggage from holds in conjunction with Chief Officer, Ship or officer on watch
Collecting valuables of passengers for safe custody in passenger ships
Arranging parties and other entertainment for passengers and generally acting as host
Skilled in handling finances of a ship
Skilled in preparing bills of customers
Ability to take care of the luggage and belongings of the customers and staff
Skilled in organising parties for the passengers on board for entertainment and recreational purposes
Not applicable
Good communication skills
It is a field job
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is necessary
Part-time work and contractual jobs maybe available
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Flexible working hours.
Minimum 8 hours of working required
Shift system maybe available
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is suitable for candidates with One Arm (OA), One Leg (OL) and those who have their Hearing Impaired (HH)
This job is not considered hazardous or dangerous
One may develop occupational hazards such as joint pains, back pain, sea sickess, etc. if not taken care of
Will be updated
Market Trend of Tourism & Hospitality Sector in India
The Indian tourism and hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key drivers of growth among the services sector in India. Tourism in India is a potential game changer. It is a sun rise industry, an employment generator, a significant source of foreign exchange for the country and an economic activity that helps local and host communities. The tourism and hospitality sector is among the top 15 sectors in India to attract the highest foreign direct investment (FDI). During the period April 2000-February 2015, this sector attracted around US$ 7,862.08 million of FDI, according to the data released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).
With the rise in the number of global tourists and realising India?s potential, many companies have invested in the tourism and hospitality sector. The Indian government has realised the country?s potential in the tourism industry and has taken several steps to make India a global tourism hub. Many major initiatives are taken by the Government of India to give a boost to the tourism and hospitality sector of India. With increasing number of hotels, resorts, etc., the growth opportunities are bound to increase for Purser, Ship in India.
Private cruise ships
Government passenger ships
Cities and towns across India
Government and private institutes across India
Will be updated