835-Ships' deck crews and related workers

Job Title ( International classification ): 
Ships' deck crews and related workers
ISCO Code: 
Job Description: 
Ship?s deck crews and related workers carry out deck duties on board ship and similar duties on board other water-borne craft.

Main Tasks include -

  • standing look-out watches at sea and when entering or leaving harbour or other narrow waters
  • steering ship according to instructions
  • handling ropes and wires, and operating mooring equipment
  • maintaining and, in some cases, operating ship?s equipment, cargo gear, rigging, life-saving and fire- fighting appliances
  • performing deck and hull cleaning, scraping, painting and other maintenance duties as required
  • breaking out, rigging and stowing cargo-handling gear, stationary rigging and running gear.

Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:

8350 Ships' deck crews and related workers