United States
817-Wood processing and papermaking plant operators
Job Title ( International classification ):
Wood processing and papermaking plant operators
ISCO Code:
Job Description:
Wood processing and papermaking plant operators monitor, operate, and control automated lumber mill equipment sawing wood, cutting veneer and making plywood, and otherwise preparing wood for further use. Pulp mill machine operators operate and monitor various types of processing machinery and equipment to produce pulp.
Main Tasks include -
- (a) examining logs and rough lumber to determine size, condition, quality and other characteristics to decide best lumber cuts to carry out, or operating automated equipment to convey logs through laser scanners which determine the most productive and profitable cutting patterns
- (b) sorting, stacking and placing logs and wood billets onto conveyors and lathes from trucks for processing into chips, veneers and pulp
- (c) operating and monitoring screening equipment, bleaching equipment, digesters, mixing tanks, washers, and other pulp processing machinery and equipment to carry out one or more cellulose processing steps
- (d) observing equipment and machinery panel indicators, gauges, level indicators and other equipment instruments to detect machinery and equipment malfunctions and ensure process steps are carried out according to specifications
- (e) operating and monitoring plywood core-laying machines and hot-plate plywood presses and machines which cut veneer
- (f) transporting processed wood products, such as plywood, chipboard sheets and panels to work areas.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
8171 Pulp and papermaking plant operators
8172 Wood processing plant operators