81-Stationary plant and machine operators

Job Title ( International classification ): 
Stationary plant and machine operators
ISCO Code: 
Job Description: 
Stationary plant and machine operators operate and monitor, on the spot or by remote control, industrial plant and machinery and equipment that are stationary, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.

Main Tasks include -

  • setting up, operating and monitoring a variety statisnary plant and machinery
  • detecting malfunctions and taking corrective action
  • examining outputs for defects and conformity to specifications and adjusting machine settings accordingly
  • performing maintenance, repairs and cleaning
  • recording data and maintaining production records. Supervision of other workers may be included.

Occupations in this sub-major group are classified into the following minor groups: