61-Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers

Job Title ( International classification ): 
Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers
ISCO Code: 
Job Description: 
Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers plan, organize and perform farming operations to grow and harvest field or tree and shrub crops and produce a variety of animals and animal products for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organisations or at markets.

Main Tasks include -

  • preparing the soil
  • sowing, planting, spraying, fertilising and harvesting field crops, growing fruit and other tree and shrub crops
  • growing garden vegetables and horticultural products
  • raising, breeding and tending animals mainly to obtain meat, milk, hair, fur, skin, sericultural, apiarian or other products
  • storing and carrying out some processing of t produce
  • selling their products to purchasers, marketing organisations or at markets. Supervision of other workers may be included.

Occupations in this sub-major group are classified into the following minor groups:

611 Market gardeners and crop growers
612 Animal producers
613 Mixed crop and animal producers