United States
521-Street and market salespersons
Job Title ( International classification ):
Street and market salespersons
ISCO Code:
Job Description:
Street and market salesperson sell goods from stalls on markets or in streets and prepare and sell hot or cold foods and beverages ready for immediate consumption in streets and public places.
Main Tasks include -
- obtaining permission to set up a stand at a particular place in streets, markets or other open spaces or to sell food and drinks on the street
- buying or contracting a regular supply of products to be sold
- erecting and dismantling stalls and stands
- transporting, storing, loading and unloading products for sale
- stacking, displaying and selling goods, food and drinks and accepting payment
- wrapping and packing goods sold
- preparing food and drinks for sale
- pushing, pedalling or carrying hand-cart, truck, tray or basket to bring food and drinks to the desired place in the street, or to public places such as stations or cinemas
- keeping accounts and maintaining a record of stock levels.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
5211 Stall and market salespersons
5212 Street food salespersons