United States
441-Other clerical support workers
Job Title ( International classification ):
Other clerical support workers
ISCO Code:
Job Description:
Other clerks perform clerical duties in newspapers, courts, libraries and post offices, file documents, prepare information for processing, check material for consistency with original source material, maintain personnel records and write on behalf of persons who are unable to read or write.
Main Tasks include -
- recording information regarding acquisition, issue and return of library books
- classifying and filing various documents and other records
- maintaining personnel records
- sorting, recording and delivering mail from post offices, as well as from or within an enterprise
- coding
- correcting proofs
- performing a number of miscellaneous clerical duties
- writing on behalf of persons who are unable to read or write.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
4411 Library clerks
4412 Mail carriers and sorting clerks
4413 Coding, proof-reading and related clerks
4414 Scribes and related workers
4415 Filing and copying clerks