United States
332-Sales and purchasing agents and brokers
Job Title ( International classification ):
Sales and purchasing agents and brokers
ISCO Code:
Job Description:
Sales and purchasing agents and brokers represent companies, governments and other organizations to buy and sell commodities, goods, insurance, shipping and other services to industrial, professional, commercial or other establishments, or act as independent agents to bring together buyers and sellers of commodities and services.
Main Tasks include -
- obtaining information about, monitoring and analyzing market trends and conditions and employer?s and competitors goods and services
- obtaining information about clients? needs and identifying suitable products and services
- explaining and demonstrating products and services to clients
- negotiating prices, contracts, terms, conditions and shipping arrangements for purchase or sale of goods, services or commodities.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
3321 Insurance representatives
3322 Commercial sales representatives
3323 Buyers
3324 Trade brokers