325-Other health associate professionals

Job Title ( International classification ): 
Other health associate professionals
ISCO Code: 
Job Description: 
Other health associate professionals perform technical tasks and provide support services in dentistry, medical records administration, community health, the correction of reduced visual acuity, physiotherapy, environmental health, emergency medical treatment and other activities to support and promote human health.

Main Tasks include -

  • providing basic care services for the prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders of the teeth and mouth
  • advising communities and individuals on hygiene, diet and other preventive measures to reduce potential risks to health
  • compiling and maintaining patients? medical records to document condition and treatment and to provide data for research, billing, cost control and care improvement
  • assisting families to develop the necessary skills and resources to improve their health status
  • providing advice and education on sanitation and hygiene to limit the spread of infectious diseases
  • fitting and dispensing optical lenses
  • investigate the implementation of rules and regulations relating to environmental and occupational factors that may potentially affect human health
  • massaging the soft tissues of the body
  • showing patients to examination rooms and preparing them for examination
  • attending accidents, emergencies and requests for medical assistance.

Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:

3251 Dental assistants and therapists
3252 Medical records and health information technicians
3253 Community health workers
3254 Dispensing opticians
3255 Physiotherapy