2356-Information technology trainers

Job Title ( International classification ): 
Information technology trainers
ISCO Code: 
Job Description: 
Information technology trainers develop, schedule and conduct training programs and courses for computer and other information technology users outside the mainstream primary, secondary and higher education systems.

Main Tasks include -

  • (a) identifying the information technology training needs and requirements of individual users and organizations
  • (b) preparing and developing instructional training material and aids such as handbooks, visual aids, online tutorials, demonstration models, and supporting training reference documentation
  • (c) designing, coordinating, scheduling and conducting training and development programs that can be delivered in the form of individual and group instruction, and facilitating workshops meetings
  • demonstrations and conferences
  • (d) monitoring and performing ongoing evaluation and assessment of training quality and effectiveness, and reviewing and modifying training objectives, methods and course deliverables
  • (e) gathering, investigating and researching background materials to gain a full understanding of the subject matter and systems
  • (f) keeping up-to-date with new product version releases, advances in software, and general information technology trends, writing end user products and materials such as user training, tutorial and instruction manuals, online help, and operating and maintenance instructions.

Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Computer trainer
- Software trainer


- University lecturer - 2310
- Vocational education teacher - 2320
- Secondary school teacher - 2330
- Primary school teacher - 2341
- Staff development officer- 2424

Careers ( AUS/NZ Standards ): 
Careers ( Canadian Standards ): 
Careers ( Pakistan Standards): 
Careers (Singapore Standards): 
Careers (South Africa):