United States
Humanities and social sciences provide you with a set of skills for a broad range of professional fields, including business, communication, education, law, medicine and politics among others.
Degrees in Arts & Humanities include undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in Linguistics, History, Geography, Philosophy, Archaeology, Theology, Modern languages, Fashion, Performing Arts, Arts, Fine Arts, Photography, Film, and Design etc.
Top Colleges
Rank | College/University | Website | Country |
1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | http://www.mit.edu/ | United State |
2 | University of Cambridge | http://www.cam.ac.uk/ | United Kingdom |
3 | Imperial College London | http://www.imperial.ac.uk/ | United Kingdom |
4 | Harvard University | http://www.harvard.edu/ | United State |
5 | University of Oxford | http://www.ox.ac.uk/ | United Kingdom |
6 | University College London | http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ | United Kingdom |
7 | Stanford University | http://www.stanford.edu/ | United State |
8 | California Institute of Technology | http://www.caltech.edu/ | United State |
9 | Princeton University | http://www.princeton.edu/ | United State |
10 | Yale University | http://www.yale.edu/ | United State |
For more information visit Arts & Humanities Ranking