A degree in Mathematics requires a background in the subject with certain mandatory concepts to be covered. It is often offered as a joint honors degrees and is commonly opted with related subjects such statistics, business management, economics, computer science, music, physics, sports science etc.

At the undergraduate level, mathematics can be undertaken as either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science(BSc) program. Typically, these are three or four years long, depending on the country. Some colleges also offer a Bachelor of Math(Bmath) degree.

Top Colleges 
Rank College/University Website Country
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) www.mit.edu/ United States
2 Harvard University https://www.harvard.edu/ United States
3 Stanford University https://www.stanford.edu/ United States
4 University of Oxford www.ox.ac.uk/ United Kingdom
5 University of Cambridge https://www.cam.ac.uk/ United Kingdom
6 Princeton University http://www.mit.edu/ United States
7 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) https://www.berkeley.edu/ United States
8 ETH Zurich- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology https://www.ethz.ch/en.html Switzerland
9 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ United States
10 Imperial College London https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ United Kingdom

For ranking information visit Mathematics