United States
Course Title:
Course Definition:
Instructional programs that focus on the fundamental knowledge and skills that individuals need to function productively in society. These CIP codes are not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Course Sub Families Description:
For description refer the sub course(s)
Basic Skills and Developmental/Remedial Education, General.
A general program that focuses on the fundamental knowledge and skills that individuals need to function productively in society. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Developmental/Remedial Mathematics.
A program that focuses on the development of computing and other mathematical reasoning abilities and skills. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Job-Seeking/Changing Skills.
A program that focuses on the development of skills related to job searches and self-marketing. Includes instruction in assessing one's own capabilities and skills; filling out an application; and handling an interview. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Career Exploration/Awareness Skills.
A program that focuses on the linkage between individual capabilities and needs and the job market. Includes instruction in the variety and scope of available employment, how to access job information, and techniques of self-analysis. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Developmental/Remedial English.
A program that focuses on the fundamental knowledge and skills in reading, writing and speaking that individuals need to function productively in society. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Second Language Learning.
A program that focuses on the development of proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking a language or languages, other than the mother tongue, that are needed to perform day-to-day tasks. Includes instruction in the use of basic communication skills to develop and transmit ideas and thoughts. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Basic Computer Skills.
A program that focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to operate a computer, including computer concepts, keyboarding and mouse skills, using computer hardware and software, and basic troubleshooting. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Workforce Development and Training.
A program that focuses on learning or upgrading basic skills in order to enhance job performance, promote career development, or train for a new job. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Accent Reduction/Modification.
A program that focuses on accent modification and effective pronunciation in order to assist individuals in changing their accents/dialects to Standard American English. Includes instruction in changing speech patterns, intonation, phonology, pronunciation, rhythm, semantics, syntax, vocabulary, voice production, and word order. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Basic Skills and Developmental/Remedial Education, Other.
Any instructional program in basic skills not listed above. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
For description refer the sub course(s)
Exam Preparation and Test-Taking Skills, General.
A program of study that focuses on general study and exam-taking skills. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
High School Equivalent Exam Preparation.
A program of study that focuses on general study and exam-taking skills associated with preparation for the high school equivalency examinations. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Undergraduate Entrance/Placement Examination Preparation.
A program of study that focuses on general study and exam-taking skills associated with preparation for undergraduate college/university entrance or placement examinations. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Graduate/Professional School Entrance Examination Preparation.
A program of study that focuses on general study and exam-taking skills associated with preparation for graduate and professional school entrance examinations. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
Professional Certification/Licensure Examination Preparation.
A program of study that focuses on general study and exam-taking skills associated with preparation for professional certification and licensure examinations. This CIP code is not valid for IPEDS reporting.
General Exam Preparation and Test-Taking Skills, Other.
Any instructional program in general exam preparation and test-taking skills not listed above.
Note* - Course Data Adopted from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)